Silkied Ameraucana Project

Doing the HAPPY Chicken dance!!!!!!!!! Has taken YEARS but.........finially!!!!!!!!!
She's ameraucana. She's silkied. And she's CHOCOLATE!!! Whooooot!!!!!!!!!

That's Awesome!
So adorable.
My silkied Ameraucana have pipped!

I had some serious issues with my incubator and ended up replacing it.. 4 eggs made it to lockdown, and I consider that lucky for how long the heating unit was out before I realized the incubator had broken.

1 has internally pipped, 1 has externally pipped, and the other two show big healthy veins, but no action yet.

Sooo excited!
My silkied Ameraucana have pipped!

I had some serious issues with my incubator and ended up replacing it.. 4 eggs made it to lockdown, and I consider that lucky for how long the heating unit was out before I realized the incubator had broken.

1 has internally pipped, 1 has externally pipped, and the other two show big healthy veins, but no action yet.

Sooo excited!

O NO!!! But yay I am so happy a few made it!!!!!

C'mon babies hatch
So I received and set my siams eggs last week. I noticed that the aircells in almost all of them were floating around but didn't think anything of it. (This is my second time using an incubator.) Today I was reading about detached aircells.

Did I totally ruin my chances of hatching these guys because I didn't let them rest before putting them in? And the auto turner has been turning them from the beginning? (I haven't finished reading the original thread yet, but they have been temperamental hatchers at the place I'm at)
No you did not. I have hatched many shipped eggs that had detached air cells without resting them as I only have them get to room temp first before incubating.

Just make sure you are incubating them air cell up and NOT laying flat.

Any developing?
Oh good!! They are air cell up, and I plan on checking them tonight once it is dark :)

No you did not. I have hatched many shipped eggs that had detached air cells without resting them as I only have them get to room temp first before incubating.

Just make sure you are incubating them air cell up and NOT laying flat.

Any developing?
So 3 for sure are duds, the others have a dark blob in them. My little flashlight isn't strong enough for the blue shell for details, so I guess it will be a blind hatch for me :)

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