Silkies Of A Different Color

went back and re-read.  pairing a choc hen with a black roo will give all black chicks.  The boys will be split to choc.  Breed the boys back to mama and you will get chocs in both genders (but also blacks in each).

Good to know :) thanks for clearing that up, now I wount wounder why they all hatch out black:) so I'll plan on keeping a roo from that mating.
If she is dun and I dont think the chances are high on that, but if she is, will half of her offspring look brown in color??
This looks like a roo to me. I have not read about the curved beak for an indication on sex, but now that I think about it, I have had several that clued me in early because of that. For me it is a small window when they are young. After that it is any ones guess until an egg or crowing.
Think it is a roo too now. I was going earlier to the pen and saw him going in a little fight with my white rooster.
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Oh yes they are.Before I got my first silkies I wanted to breed like 3 totally different kind of chicken, but now I am all about Silkies. There are so many possibilities in colors and they have such a calm and friendly personality.
By the way I send you a PM :)
Here is another picture of one of my birds.What you think is it a boy or a girl? Got a little wet from the rain. I read earlier on the forum somewhere you can tell from the beak curve. I really hope it is a girl tho.
That looks kinda like a hen. I would have to see it when it is not wet. Also, if the crest is round and not spikey or swept back, it probably is a girl.
one of my roos that came from a white pet quality hen and my breeder blue roo,
I call him blue birchen, is that correct? or either blue with silver leakage in the neck feathers?

im put him with my smooth sizzle(silkie mix) hen bc she has a little red in her neck, thinking they will create some better looking blue birchen hens.
this is her

but, now I have her with him!

There is more to birchen that silver leakage on the hackles. Breeding to a hen with red leakage will not necessarily improve birchen patterning or colouring.

I'm wondering what all of you Silkie experts might consider these colors?

1. This bird is not quite white (more cream?). Some variation of partridge?

2 & 3. This bird has always looked lavender but with some light buff in its crest and a little on the body. I originally thought Isabel or lavender, but a few weeks ago it started showing spots... Is this a splash? Do they have that cream/buff color on them?




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