Silkies Of A Different Color

Trying for mottled :) 2nd gen

I am in love!! Can't wait to see them as adults .
Hi, can anyone tell me if this looks like a grey silkie? It hatched from a "grey egg" from an assortment my friend bought off eBay. I was so excited to finally have a grey but it looks black to me. I don't need anymore black, so I'll probably rehome it if so. Anyway, here are some pics:



Thanks for any feedback!
Its too dark to be grey. Are there bits of brown in there or is that just the picture?
If they are there, then it wouldn't be black either, but likely a mix of colors.
Does anyone sell hatching eggs or chicks? Come April/May I will be looking for naked neck silkies in odd/different colors, frizzles ok too (they are my backyard spoiled pets). Although naked neck preferred regular Silkies also ok :)
DONT want black, blue, lavender, white or partridge. Will need shipping to NJ & I'm looking to purchase 3-4 chicks or 6-8 hatching eggs.
This is my partridge naked neck silkie Vivian
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I had my black roo and buff hen hatch out some babies and they all were buff/black splash!!!!
its weird!
I kept a daughter and she grew up to be a buff with black points( except a few stray spots)
I I'm thinking of starting a mille fleur silkie project and was wondering if mixing a buff silkie with a Mille fleur duccle would work

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