Silver Laced Orpingtons (LF)

Well I went and asked the most professional Silver Laced Orpington Breeder I know! Keith Gibbons. I have great news! He said that to get more genetics in the Silver pool so they aren't as in-breed put a Silver Laced Roo over Gold Laced Hens! He said since the Silver Laced Gene is dominant all the Rooster from the Silver/Golden mix will be gold DONT USE! These are barnyard mix basically! He said that the hens will be Pure Silver! He said you can breed those back to the silver Roo to get more genetics!
Image that... That's exactly what I said.
While you were advising not to do it because gold would pop up two generations later.
(Continue from above) two generations and many more generations down the line will also pop up gold leakage for several generations down the breeding line. When breeding the "True Pure SilverLace Orpington, each hen is raised until breeding age and then hand picked to assure that each young hen will not pass on any golden feathers. Do your home work...breeding a true Pure Silver Laced Orpington is not as easy as breeding one Silver Lace to another Silver Lace. Once again, each hen is hand picked for perfection. If this was so easy don't you think everyone would be doing so. Perfection is a high standard, not everyone has the eye or knowledge for breeding a top quality English Orpington. Perhaps this is why our English Breeders are way ahead of our American standards.... :love :celebrate :love :goodpost: :clap :thumbsup
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We have Autumn Farm Orpingtons have been breeding and showing our Orpingtons for many generations, thankful to my grandmother for getting many of us involved in the love and care of these beautiful feathered friends, words can not say enough for teaching and showing us all parts of caring, breeding and passing down standards to teach what it becomes to be involved in making a different in many bloodlines and teaching us what it takes to improve each generation,,,thankyou for believing in us and teaching us a lot more then just caring for our chickens. We appreciate everything we have learned! God bless you and grand dad! We Love you!!!
I couldn't agree less.
Then again I'm finding that to be the case just about every time you post about genetics.
Must be nice to think you are so much aware of breeding the "True English Silverlaced Orpington….afterall I'm sure you have many, many years of experience breeding Silvers. Perhaps we could meet in England to discuss this further along with my friends/breeders that are the founder and creator of this color and you too can educate them on your findings...
Must be nice to think you are so much aware of breeding the "True English Silverlaced Orpington….afterall I'm sure you have many, many years of experience breeding Silvers. Perhaps we could meet in England to discuss this further along with my friends/breeders that are the founder and creator of this color and you too can educate them on your findings...
Never said i was so aware of breeding the true English silver laced orpingtons.
In fact I've never breed or owned a single one.
But that doesn't matter. There is nothing unique about the silver laced pattern in the true English silver laced orpingtons.
Its the same pattern and genes involved as in other silver laced varieties in other breeds.
No one needs to be a true English orpingtons expert to understand how color/pattern genes work or don't work.
You posted inaccurate information about breeding silver laced and gold laced birds together.
I posted the correct information and once you asked your expert breeder you/him basically confirmed what I posted.
I'll never be in England but if I was I would surely enjoy a conversation with your breeder friends.
Not to educate them but to just share experiences.
If you want to understand more about breeding the silver laced pattern or any of the true English orpingtons patterns you can talk to many top breeders here in the states to learn as much as you want.
There are top breeders of every color/patterns in poultry right here in the states.
I will take my knowledge an cherish that has been passed down to me for 40+ years to you as a American breeder, gathering with less then hands on experience to carrying and to the breeding and hands on experience to raising and carrying and viewing to raising the Pure English Silver Laced Orpingtons. Like any breeding program it takes hand on caring and observing to the up bring and raising the Pure English Silver laced. This is far from observing notes on papers but to actual hands on observation to the raising and breeding of these beautiful creatures. I rest my finding and case that too, we all can come together to see with our own eyes that breeding and caring is only a part of what is to come. Like so many we look forward to sharing and caring to all of our feather friends. And to all that take there knoewlwge to make our English Orpingtons, My sincere to my friends, lets make a difference to you and to others that share our passion. I to learn from others, but to claim breeding the True Silver Laced Orpingtons and not to have hands on experience of breeding these beautiful animals , only makes you wonder why you feel your experience out weighs a group of people that have hands on experience on breeding and have hands on experience in breeding and getting to know these wonderful animals. Please take the time to educate yourself in raising and have hand on experience to watch each generation grow and show everyone that hands on breeding does make a huge difference in understanding the true English silver laced Orpingtons. to all our best! :)
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I couldn't agree less.
Then again I'm finding that to be the case just about every time you post about genetics.

Since you seem to gather your information from sources, rather then taking the time to breed the "True Pure Silver Laced English Orpington… one must not forget that Bob Follows is the Master/Breeder and creator of the English Orpington in all colors, this is his hard dedicated work into creating a beautiful Orpington. Yes, Keith is knowledgeable breeder in the UK... but that being said. It is Bob Follows who has taken Keith under is wing and educated and has passed down his knowledge to Keith. It is Keith that has taken over Bob Follows breeding programs and breeding stock and continues to breed outstand Orpingtons. This is not to take away Keith's knowledge as a top breeder, as myself look up to him. That being is Bob Follows that I still trust and ask for guidance in my breeding program. Breeding quality English Orps is not all that easy. Just because you breed one color to the next does not guarantee that the colors breed true. This is from my own experience in breeding that has proven time again that breeding on paper does not always give you the out come you expects to see. This was also confirms when I received what was told to be by a well known young breeder that sent me a breeding pair of Pure English Silver Laced Orpingtons, the young Silver Laced roo (Orpington Galore bloodlines) started to develop yellow feathers at 5 months of age. As the young hen (same age) did not develop yellow feathers. I later found out that this young roo was actually not a "True Silver Laced Orpington" but rather a roo that had parents that...came from a Silver Laced hen and the father was a Gold Laced. This was no surprise to me since I was already aware that crossing a Silver Laced with a Gold Lace will produce offspring's that will grow yellow feathers.but was more disappointed to me that this young breeder took advantage of this breeding, It is also true that the hens in this cross will be Silver Laced in color....but... and this is a big BUT...these hens can and do will pass on the Gold Laced in offspring's', as this gene is there to be passed on. The only way to breed the "True Silver Laced English Orpington, is only breeding Pure Silvers to Pure Silvers...this takes time and dedication to select breeding, meaning only breeding True Silvers to True Silvers. This takes one must grow each Silver to mature age and making sure their is not any gold feathers. Yes, this can be done..Once you establish your True Silver Laced breeding line, you do not have to wait for these offspring's to mature to see if the develop any gold feathers. It is more sad that their are breeders out there that lie and sell just to make sure that there breeding lines and dollar pockets get thicker. Truly sad! This breeder is well aware what he is doing! Hopefully this young breeder will walk away since this is way over his head!

Let me state what is the fact...I myself got involved in the English Orp for the love of these chickens... no, I haven't made money but this has been a very rewarding hobby,I'm truly a love of all animals but the chickens have grabbed my heart..I will continue to be apart of these beautiful creatures and hope I can help any one along the way.
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It is also true that the hens in this cross will be Silver Laced in color....but... and this is a big BUT...these hens can and do will pass on the Gold Laced in offspring's', as this gene is there to be passed on.
Back to this nonsense again?
Funny you tried to pass this off as accurate advice before. After I explained it you then asked your expert and he confirmed that a hen from a silver laced rooster over a gold laced hen is indeed pure for silver lace. Exactly what I tried to tell you. Now you're back to the same inaccurate information.
A hen from that cross is pure for silver laced. It carries no genes for gold and will never produce any offspring that is gold or carries gold ever if bred with a rooster that is pure for silver lace.
That's simple genetics. Silver/gold is sex linked and is not that hard to understand. It baffles me how you can be so involved for such a long time with the silver laced pattern and not understand this.
I rest my case.... it is obvious you do not care to learn.... my knowledge comes from first hand breeding these Silvers... what's your claim. As one is aware genetics don't always breed in color true to form. I've been at this many more years then you are aware of...and have breeders and friend of the top breeders in Europe to stand by what I say....perhaps you should read my emails from local breeders that have run into crossing the Golds and Silvers with the same out come that I have suggest to you is to try breeding this cross and stop giving out wrong information to hopeful English breeders. We can go round and round about this but the facts always come out in the end. I rest my case...You have no idea who I am or what my breeding back round is...I'm not a back yard breeder, I'm a breeder that takes a stand on what is correct. Your no my worth of time since you do not get it... I rest my case....and I have many that all stand behind my knowledge. I've been breeding in Europe and have been breeding the English Orp since they set foot on US soil...I don't need you to tell me what you think. I try my best to pass on accurate information to other breeders that are looking for the right answer and have wonder why their Silvers are producing yellow feathers as they mature. This is not me making this up, this information has been passed down to me by Bob Follows the creature of these colors. Please stop replying to my comments this is not for you....move on....think positive, as I do.
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