Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

the scientist in me says that you are going to need a "control" , some kind of normal (you are comparing results of your experiment back to the control).

this experiment might keep me on the edge of my seat for years to come...........................................
That's an experiment for someone else to conduct....I'm just an "idea guy". I take an idea and I jump into it, muddle around a good bit, decide if it worked or not by the results I get.
Well what do you know... Right around the body temperature of a hen, right? ;3 They may still be developing in there... Hard to say. If you had two heat pad of the same make and model you could do two batches... But I am assuming you don't.

What I would do is I would remove some of the eggs and crack them to see if they had developed at all. Say, 3 eggs. If none of the three were developed Id scratch and restart. If they had developed I would either keep going as is or I would add in a few "new" eggs and see how they do at the higher temps.

But that is just what I would do with your rescources. You have a rooster so it is not like fertile eggs are in short supply for you like they are for me!

Also Id just leave the thermometer in the water wiggled for a while longer just to make sure you have the right internal egg temp.
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Here is what I would do (and this is just me). Tomorrow candle with the brightest flashlight you can (I got a small led with 9 bulbs for super cheap at a convenience store) in the darkest area in your home. If something is growing you should be able to see it. If there is no growth then I would scrap those eggs but keep the setup running with the wiggler. Get the temps and humidity exactly how you want them while you put out a plea on your local forum on BYC for test eggs. Many people on here are great and will give you free or super cheap eggs for a cause like this. By the time you've got the eggs, you'd have everything worked out on your nest.
I may crack a few eggs today to see where we are at, as I have candled several and cannot make out a darn thing other than a dark yolk....don't see anything but that. I think I saw an eye in one of them and one seems to have attached to the side of a shell, so the yolk doesn't move on that one...which I gather is a bad thing.
Cracked two came out like an egg should, but just a little runny. The other one was very runny, the yolk broke and there was a gelatinous portion that had a black dot in it. No discernible chick parts, really.

Took pics, will post if need be.

Now what? Start over? Keep going?

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