Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

I can't remember where I downloaded this from, but it may help with comparing your cracked eggs to? Sorry if it's too graphic or something.

That did help, thank you!!! The Day 3 egg? That's exactly what one of the opened eggs looked like...but I'm on day 9. Could be the lower temps have slowed the development to that degree?
Double post...this day is just not going right, is it?
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That did help, thank you!!! The Day 3 egg? That's exactly what one of the opened eggs looked like...but I'm on day 9. Could be the lower temps have slowed the development to that degree?

I'm going to be the voice of dissent and say scrap it and start again....


If they are slowed 6 days I don't see them recovering,
That did help, thank you!!! The Day 3 egg? That's exactly what one of the opened eggs looked like...but I'm on day 9. Could be the lower temps have slowed the development to that degree?
The egg was dead? That would be the day that something killed it, likely a heat spike.

Yes, start over.
Now I am really interested to see how this goes! Go for the second nest!! I don't know for sure, but I don't think that a slower development would necessarily cause the chick to be deformed, just that since it would cause the egg to be incubated for longer, it would prolong the possibility that bacteria could get in there and hurt them?
Might be a good idea to collect some eggs for a few days and break them open to see if 'the sissie roo' is doing his job..before selecting more to incubate.
I look at almost every yolk I eat for breakfast to check for fertility.

Agrees if you are totally starting over to open all the eggs in the henobator and examine them for any development.

What do you remember about the 3rd-4th day on incubation?

I thin one of your biggest issues here is that there is no thermostat, you are the thermostat ....and have to learn to do any heat adjustments very carefully and allow ample time for them to take effect before making another change.

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