Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

This year's hatching will be interesting as I test the natural nest method side by side with a regular incubator. If I have any broodies at the time, they will be loaded with any eggs I can gather as well. Wouldn't it be neat to have all three methods going at once and getting to see the results? Of course, the broody hen will win at hatching rate and chick survival, but it would still be neat to watch.
This year's hatching will be interesting as I test the natural nest method side by side with a regular incubator. If I have any broodies at the time, they will be loaded with any eggs I can gather as well. Wouldn't it be neat to have all three methods going at once and getting to see the results? Of course, the broody hen will win at hatching rate and chick survival, but it would still be neat to watch.

will be fun to watch the comparisons!
Hi Bee!

I can't wait to see your results. I will be watching very closely.

Lisa :)

Hey, Lisa Dear!
How's the hand and every little thing?
Hey, Lisa Dear!
How's the hand and every little thing?
My PT is extremely happy with me. When I started going to him 4 weeks ago, my hand was cupped. It is almost straight now. We are working on getting the tips of my fingers to bend. He said there is 'potential there', but he isn't sure if we can do it. He can't get over how strong my fingers are. I am working away at it. The exercises are PAINFUL, but I keep on with them.

How is my favorite lady and her momma doing?

Lisa :)
My PT is extremely happy with me. When I started going to him 4 weeks ago, my hand was cupped. It is almost straight now. We are working on getting the tips of my fingers to bend. He said there is 'potential there', but he isn't sure if we can do it. He can't get over how strong my fingers are. I am working away at it. The exercises are PAINFUL, but I keep on with them.

How is my favorite lady and her momma doing?

Lisa :)

I'm so sorry your PT hurts
but so glad you are seeing more mobility and use of your hand. Did you tell him that your hands are strong because you are a country woman and are constantly using those hands?
Can't keep a good woman down!

We are doing great! Staying warm and planning spring projects. I have seriously pruned back many of the apple trees....almost 20 yrs old and they've never been pruned, thusly have never really produced much. Still need to get the chainsaw out and top out three more of the larger trees before this month is over.

Getting excited about the garden this year and that Back to Eden method I want to try. Will you be doing a garden this year? How are your flock doing these days?
Good Morning!

My flock is doing very well. Out of 9 hens, I am getting 6 eggs a day. Production is definitely up.

The gardening season has already started in places around this area. I think Ken and I are going to sit the Spring garden out. Ken doesn't want me hurting my hand. He wants it to heal a bit more before I get out there and hoe. So we will work on getting the ground ready for the Fall garden (fertilizing, tilling, etc.). We have the good old gumbo clay--UGH! This is going to be hard on me not having a garden but maybe I can slip in a few tomato plants and some jalapenos and bell peppers.

I have been walking the property 3-4 times a day working on getting my knee to bend. The knee is doing better but it sure flares up at times!

Have a great day!

Lisa :)
Good Morning!

My flock is doing very well. Out of 9 hens, I am getting 6 eggs a day. Production is definitely up.

The gardening season has already started in places around this area. I think Ken and I are going to sit the Spring garden out. Ken doesn't want me hurting my hand. He wants it to heal a bit more before I get out there and hoe. So we will work on getting the ground ready for the Fall garden (fertilizing, tilling, etc.). We have the good old gumbo clay--UGH! This is going to be hard on me not having a garden but maybe I can slip in a few tomato plants and some jalapenos and bell peppers.

I have been walking the property 3-4 times a day working on getting my knee to bend. The knee is doing better but it sure flares up at times!

Have a great day!

Lisa :)

We have the clay soils here as well, which is why I'm going to try the Back to Eden gardening in order to change the nature of these soils permanently. I've tried many different amendments and the clay just eats them like candy and never changes. You should watch that film if you think WE have bad soils...that guy's soils were even worse! Hard as a rock with clay.

Here's a link to the site where you can view that film...that will give you something to do while you work that hand!
big_smile.png I'm going to do it differently than all the other folks are doing....more like this guy did, as he used the wood chips on already plowed ground that had no sod on it. Supposed to do it the fall before you plant but I don't have that luxury, so will just plow as per usual this spring and place the wood chips on top of the plowed ground. Just more hoeing if you use this method, just using the rake every now and again.

Are you using castor oil on that knee?

Sounds like your chickens are going like gangbusters! How old is this flock? What breeds do you have? My pullets haven't come into lay yet and my oldsters are abdicating right now except for the BA and every now and again one of the RSL.
Hey Bee, I am going to follow along again. It has been forever since I have been on.

Welcome back!!! None of my chosen breeders have come to point of lay just yet but are on the cusp, so it's likely I won't be doing this hatch until March/April, but I just wanted to awaken the old thread and see if anyone else out there was going to try this method this year. If so, I hope they read the whole thread before they attempt it because the first attempts had many issues that have been resolved. That's one bad thing about this forum...they won't let you edit your thread after some time has passed and that's just stupid on these learning threads, as people will read the first few pages and then skip to the end and not get any use out of the really good stuff we learned since the beginning.

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