sitting hen


In the Brooder
Oct 7, 2016
I just came from my guinea pen and one of my 6 month old is sitting and signing a sweet quiet song.Do I take the egg or leave her be? Is she too young for this? She seems so proud of herself.This is her first egg.I will see if she leaves to roost with the others tonight.We are in florida so do not have to worry about the weather.She is in one of my old dog houses and totally fenced in .Do I offer her food or let her come out and eat.I am so excited.
Just leave her for a couple days. If she still doesn't come out you can a) if she's been fertilized, let her hatch the egg, and bring her food and water, or, b) if the egg she's sitting on is not fertilized, take it away, and she'll go back to normal within a week, probably.
i would leave her if her eggs ae fertile.
IT has been said that they can breed at an early stage although we never had ones laying on that stage, they probably beging after a year.
Well that bunch of eggs never hatched but she is back at it again but this time there are chicken eggs in there also should I take the hen eggs or just let her be

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