Sitting too long?


5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
I neglected to keep track of exactly when I noticed my goose sitting on her nest but yesterday was the latest that it could have been 38 days. Is it possible that because of cold weather incubation didn't start immediately or do I need to get her off the eggs?
Wow. Its 19 days after I posted this and the first egg just hatched. She's been sitting on that nest since the second week of February.

I hope you are going to move her and the goslings to a safe place so the goslings or mama don't get picked off by predators. They look like they would be prime for predators.

Congrats on the gosling.
I hope you are going to move her and the goslings to a safe place so the goslings or mama don't get picked off by predators. They look like they would be prime for predators.

Congrats on the gosling.
Didn't have the chance to. The gosling died after 3 days. It looks like either the goose or the gander sat on him. So far 3 eggs hatched and 3 dead goslings.
I’m sorry if any more hatch I believe I’d put them in a brooder until sturdy I kept mine inside until 3 weeks then gave them to the parents and all went good. They got to visit everyday before they got them for good.

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