Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

We go to college to get an education, not a job.
I, proof of that.( sigh.)

But I LOVE knowing what family that particular insect that hit the windshield at mile maker 117 used to belong to.
No one writes me a check, but it's still cool.

"We may not always reach our goal, but there is recompense inn trying, our horizons broaden so much more the higher we are flying."

It was probably a Love Bug. What family was does it belong to?

pronounce bobin i DIE
because it is dead. it is like the squirrel joke in up.

reminds me of the joke about what goes through a bugs mind as it hits the wind shield

PM me if you need the punch line....


here is an ID for you.... one summer I was working in a machine shop operating a machine to drill hinge nodes in jet aircraft hinges. The drill was a minimum of six feet long... I used gloves to pull the metal chips out... The lunch bell went off and I pulled my gloves off and set them on the floor by where I was working....

When lunch was over I pulled one glove on and Dang There was a metal chip in there poking the heck out of my finger..... When I pulled my hand out here was what was CHEWING on the end of my finger with four manibles

Wind spider or Wind Scorpion is the best I could find. And Yep my index finger tip was firmly attached between those mandibles and it was working its way around for a better grip.

I was surpized enough to flip it off my finger but didnt run screaming as the men around me expected I would do. First female to work in this machine shop... back in the seventies.

@ronott1 Nice chickies!
more chickie love every day! More coming at EHAL! don't know if I can handle all the cuteness!!!

@ocap More bird love! That is so awesome.!!! I have a christmas tree I decorate in peafowl color and peafowl ornaments. That will have to do for me. I know I can't have real ones.

Ouch!!!! This is me
! Great reaction on your part. :)

Drinking some coffee and will probably regret it about midnight.
We heard one about drawing a line in the dirt in front of a chicken to hypnotize it but couldn't get any of ours to stand still long enough o try it.
Thanks for all the feed back.

I have another question for those of you who have ducks: Chuck has begun to (what I think) groom us when we sit and pet her. She will nibble on our hands and arms while we scratch/stroke her head/chest. Is it grooming/flock mate behavior? This is our very first duck. We had to get rid of the drake because he was beating up the roos so she is a solo duck among chickens.
I know nothing about ducks, but sounds like she is giving you kisses..
I was going to cook meatloaf for company and company left before I could get my act together. the main ingredients were just sitting there so I decided to cook it with a few exceptions

Ok meatloaf is in the oven I got the recipe off the interent from:

Ingredients: Substitutions because I didnt have the ingredient
3 Cups cubed sourdough bread
1 whipped egg
2/3 Cup raw milk buttermilk
1 Tbl Dijon mustard worshester sauce
2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp fresh ground pepper
4 Tbl fresh chopped basil
2 Tbl fresh chopped thyme Dried thyme equivalent
1/2 tsp dried nutmeg Cinnamon
1 medium onion finely chopped
1/2 Cup chopped celery
1/2 Cup chopped parsley Dried Parsley... not enough but all I had about a teaspoon
12 slices cooked and crumbled bacon NO BACON didnt want to dirty a pan
2 lbs grass fed ground beef 2.5 pounds very lean
4 Tbl melted butter Bacon Grease

Combine the whipped egg, milk, and cubed bread pieces. Let this rest for at least 15 minutes so the bread soaks up the egg and milk. Then use a large fork or potato masher to mash the mixture until there no more large chunks of bread. Add the Dijon, salt, pepper, basil, thyme, nutmeg, onion, celery, parsley, and bacon to the mixture. Add other ingredients and Mix well.

In a large bowl, pour the melted butter over the meat. Mix the butter into the meat. Then add the bread and spice mixture to the meat. Mix well and form into a loaf in a loaf pan.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cook the meatloaf for approximately 1 hour. I like to turn on the broiler for the last 10 minutes to darken the outer crust a bit.

Let cool for 10 minutes before slicing and serving. I recommend serving this with your favorite mashed potato recipe.

We will see what my tweaks did.... the smell coming form the oven smells Middle Eastern.... LOL

Not doing the broiler.... I have it high up in the oven should give it a good crisp.

With regard to mixing the meat loaf I approach it as if I were folding whipped eggs into a batter.... I use a large spoon and scoop under the meat grabbing some of the bread and veggie mix and fold... it produces a homogenous mixture without over working...

That looks great..hope it turned out delicious.
Woo Hoo I got my Christmas present last night from Amazon.

The kid got me a .... Drum rollll

And I cant set it up today.... Waaaahhh... Tonight maybe then I will have Toddy coffee day after tomorrow. Yep it take s24 hours which is the downside....

But after that each table spoon of the stuff can make a cup of coffee.... Use more and its like espresso....

WOW!!!! plz let me know how it works out. I just might have to invest in one too then DH and I can quit fightin over the coffee strength in the brew pot. I swear his coffee is about as dark as caramel
I know nothing about ducks, but sounds like she is giving you kisses..:love

It kind of feels like it. My hubby has decided she thinks he is her "drake". She has been following him around the pasture the last couple of days and he said she squatted for him too. I assume (as with chickens) that we can expect some eggs from her soon.

Anyone else in the south making some extra precautions for the polar plunge coming? (We need a shivering icon.):oops:

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