Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Is there such thing as a clean legged frizzled breed? I know the cochins and polish can be frizzled but for some reason I just noticed a frizzled chick in my brooder. It has no crest or feathered legs. What other breeds can be frizzled? Or can all breeds be frizzled and not a few select ones?
Someone in San Francisco has a frizzled Australorp.
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That's different, I always though only certain breeds can be frizzled. I am wrong though, lol. I assume what ever breeds they had left at the time could've contained a frizzled something--maybe a japanese bantam. Oh the wonderful world of genetics!
That's different, I always though only certain breeds can be frizzled. I am wrong though, lol. I assume what ever breeds they had left at the time could've contained a frizzled something--maybe a japanese bantam. Oh the wonderful world of genetics!
Yes! It is a gene mutation of the feathers and can happen in any breed. You would then select for it like a white sport Marans that was used to breed white marans.
Frizzled is a dominant trait, which usually means that any bird that inherits it will show the trait. However, there apparently is at least one gene that can repress the expression of the frizzling, so a bird might have only very slightly recurved feathers and still have the frizzle gene. While it is (remotely) possible that the mutation that causes frizzling randomly and spontaneously occurred again in some breed not known for having frizzled feathers, the odds are that there is a frizzled Cochin or Polish somewhere back in the murky depths of that bird's ancestry. Some people are breeding frizzled Seramas, and I have seen frizzled Silkies, but I'd be willing to bet that the source of curly feathers in both of those breeds was a frizzled Cochin way, way back in the family tree.
I think that explains our Frizzle - the lady who gave my kids the chick said it was a Bantam Frizzle...

Alaskan the frosted flake - I love your blogs! Especially the latest one with the bear :oops:

And I love the photos everyone - enjoy your coffee - 7 degrees here and -15 w windchill

Woo HOo coffee toddy Coffee Toddy Coffee Toddy..... um.... COFFEE TODDDY.....

I forgot how good it was..... it was worth the 24 hour wait.

First time try out is one part coffee to two parts other liquid like milk or creme or even water.

I drink it cold so I just used milk....... Oh yumm.... the only change I will make on my next one is only put in two sweeteners instead of three... I have been compensating for BADDD coffee....

So my mix right now is one third cup toddy two thirds cup milk and two sweet and lows. If I had cream I would probably have it without sweetener at all. NO bitterness at all.

coffee toddy coffee toddy coffee toddy

Where does the dark legs come from?
Australorps legs often start out pink at hatch but turn gray as they get older. I do not know how close to standard these are since the seller was breeding for production.

We will see as they get older how they look and produce.

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