Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Hey! Thanks for starting this thread, I love it! I'm nervous as I'm sure everyone gets approaching their first hatch! But this thread is my comic relief and I'm grateful for that as well as the info from everyone here :)

Welcome to the gourp... Um Group....

Just stopping by... How are you all?

Welcome sidewing!

I was very non-productive yesterday. I kinda force my broody to get her babies out of the nest. The box she was in smelled really bad and I needed to get fresh hay in it so I tried to get her to move over to another one but that just prompted her to exit with the chicks. The last one hatched Saturday so they were ready to go anyway. They were all climbing all over her but she wasn't wanting to get out yet for some reason.

Anyway, I spent the most of the day mama and chick watching. I am more concerned about her behavior than the flock. She is a bit excitable so as long as she can keep from stepping on and squishing them for a couple more days, I think they will be fine.

Chickie breeds/mixes:

Phoenix/Favorelle, Phoenix, Phoenix/Dorking, Phoenix/Bantam Cochin, Phoenix/Dorking
Ugh, I'm in a dilemma... I counted my chickens before they hatched! I got 5 extra chicks, all females that I don't have room for... If you had to make the choice, would you butcher/sell your older 2-3 year old chickens, or sell the new pullets? I'm conflicted
Ugh, I'm in a dilemma... I counted my chickens before they hatched! I got 5 extra chicks, all females that I don't have room for... If you had to make the choice, would you butcher/sell your older 2-3 year old chickens, or sell the new pullets? I'm conflicted

Well it takes along time for chickens to start laying and stuff, so I might sell the chicks. Just my thought though. :)
Its raining in earnest now.... sigh... Love the sound love the smell love how clean it leaves everything....

El Nino came through

El Nino should give us rain off and on all spring and summer...

I hope it replenishes the water table some... My well is down 100 feet


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