Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

:confused: and we haven't yet gathered and wood :confused: "Houston, we have a problem."

Same here. But where I am we should still have a good two months.....DH thinks he's going to have a forced air propane heater installed and plumbed before winter starts so he won't go get the permit to cut this year. I don't want to pay per cord.

We had a teenage friend who brought us some, in the round, for a reasonable price. I need to see if he will do it again.

I am just a bit of a wuss, when it comes to the thought of voles and dismemberment. So, I still have not allowed them to use the chainsaw..... Which means they just can't fell and process trees quickly enough. They do a great job with splitting and stacking though.

We take our coffee seriously
Ahhhh I love coffee!! I have been drinking coffee as long as I could remember... Probably 4 years old... I'm only 24 now but being the youngest child I would sit at the table with my mom and her company when my siblings were at school with a little tea cup of coffee
Ahhhh I love coffee!! I have been drinking coffee as long as I could remember... Probably 4 years old... I'm only 24 now but being the youngest child I would sit at the table with my mom and her company when my siblings were at school with a little tea cup of coffee
I remember my first experiences with coffee, I was maybe six or seven. One cup had to have about half milk in it, and of course twelve cubes of sugar. I've since learned that it actually tastes more like coffee without any additives.
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my first cup was with my grandfather on a all night fox hunt where he turned out his hounds and just listened to them bay (as they were chasing the fox) while he enjoyed drinking coffee and visiting with friends.
My favorite thing to do in the whole world is to sit on the porch with my husband and drink coffee and watch the wildlife ( we live in the woods). It just such a relaxing thing to do.. forget about the world problems for just a bit!

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