Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I need coffee so Iam going to make some

I will have some espresso when I get home from work. It is 4:00pm here now.
Myrth This is how I made coffee when I was single and only had one dog. Nowadays I'm lucky if I remembered to set the drip pot the night before.

I envy you with your peaceful, idyllic morning!

Hmmm. I try to make room in my life for idyllic moments, and for things I enjoy, but it is not all idyllic. I get up a little early to be able to do that.

I have done it for years, through child rearing, and continue since I am an empty nester. If it makes you feel any better and less envious, after my morning coffee ritual and breakfast, I drove into town for a long work day, and yesterday I had to deal with several literally crazy clients and several who are merely difficult. :)

It helps me keep my own sanity to carve out time to enjoy life each day. My little coffee ritual with breakfast is one of those little things that make life a little bit nicer. :caf

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