Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

There's one in every crowd.
Me, I just use one cup, and keep refilling it.

But I guess you could always drink it two cups at once.

Very funny. Don't laugh at my shortage of coffee.
Grrr!!!!!!!! No coffee = Death! D:
Time for my second cup... but the husband just finished off the pot. I need to get up earlier or get a bigger pot. Maybe I should get a bigger mug.

cute pug angel. My dogs do not cry, they body slam the doors. who needs an alarm clock when you have dogs with full bladders?
my cat that lives with my parents use to paw at the door handle and paw under the door or do whatever she could to wake me up if i slept past 4:50 a.m. now she does it to my parents now that i left lol

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