Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

As to snow:


And my vegetable garden in an "average" year. That is a five foot tall fence.

But I am still suffering from PTSD after:

(quote from local paper shown below)

Snowfall for winter 2012 closes in on record

• Sixteen feet of snow this year so far puts area close to its 17-foot record

I need to note that I live on the hill ABOVE the town, at about 1,300 feet above snow level, so I do get lots more snow than they do.
we're only about half way up our 5' fence but there's a big storm aimed at us for Monday and another later in the week so we may be back to "normal" pretty quick. whoopee.
Happy Saturday! -sending warm wishes to all of those in freezing places. -hope you all stay safe, warm, and supplied with lots o' coffee! -welcoming "window-open-weather" in Texas this day!! -looks to be a bright and beautiful morning! .......just one more cup.
oooow, oooow! I'm 29 X2!!! that makes me twice as good, right? ouch, I think I cramped something!
It just means that we can trade you in for two 29 year olds. lol
But we won't, b/c we like you just the way you are.
Ooooh, can I be 29 too?

I am.....uh..... Older now, and things just don't work the way they used to *sigh*
You can't do this anymore????

I already am!!! Oops my secret is O U T !!! I can't remember a longer colder snowier winter in all of my "29" years!!!
I'm only "26", so I can't relate. lol


I need help!

I am starting to think about hatching chicks.... But there is fluffy stuff falling from the sky, and our first plant date is usually May 15.

I am going insane! I am going insane!
Oh, Hon, just move to Fla; you can hatch all year round!!!
@ronott1 Gorgeous birds and eggs!!

To the every other day coffee drinkers:

I think it's time to find our grassroots !!!

Thank you for your tears. =)
I do it b/c if I drink coffee everyday, I have a withdrawal headache.
Sitting here having a cup of coffee, I confess I am an all day drinker...of coffee. looking out my window at the empty gardens wishing for Spring...Hens are tired of the cold wet windy weather. It's blowing again here in the PNW..sigh.

On a happy note. I am taking a beekeeping class and am looking forward to getting bees soon.
Sitting here having a cup of coffee, I confess I am an all day drinker...of coffee. looking out my window at the empty gardens wishing for Spring...Hens are tired of the cold wet windy weather. It's blowing again here in the PNW..sigh.

On a happy note. I am taking a beekeeping class and am looking forward to getting bees soon.

Oh, I want to keep bees too.
We have some that visit our yard all spring and most of the summer, but IDK where they live. I was hoping to be able to try to attract a swarming queen, but I haven't had a chance to build a bee box yet. =( I don't think I have enough time for that and two coops (one with a run). Oh, well, I guess there's always next year. :-\

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