Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I started out doing it for the eggs.
DH went into TSC and asked for a dozen RIR pullets. We got the eleven chicks they had left (five white Leghorns, five gold Comets, and Snoodle my Bantam Cochin Frizzle).
We've lost two of the Leghorns and one of the Comets to predation; I gave away another Comet b/c she was mean to some of my chickens.
I got the roosters from the friend who took the Comet for me. They are GLW x white Leghorn (where I'm hoping to get my white earlobes from) and SLW x buff Orp (no eggs from him yet; in fact, I just found out that he's not a pullet lol).
No, I don't have any giants; but Orps get pretty large.
Lots of breeds lay brown eggs (white is recessive, and green is genetically brown x blue).
You can do it for money. A friend of mine sells eggs and she said that, when her hens are laying at regular production, eggs pay for feed. You can sell pullets to local feed stores, you can sometimes sell "dressed" birds for meat to individuals or small local grocers or at a local farmers' market. Selling birds is another way to make money, especially layers, but not as many customers want birds as want the products the chickens provide (around here anyway).
Does that help?
Oh, I started out doing it for the eggs, but I've had a lot of fun and it looks like I can make a little money doing it too. =)
I think it's wonderful when a hobby/interest morphs into something that you love and it pays for some of the costs of the hobby. I love the name Snoodle.
Those are super cute!

I had forgotten that those started out all yellow.

Yes. They have some dark coloring on their wings, which you can't see when they are snoozing
So sorry about the owl eating your mille. I have a little mille boy and he's super cute. he came in an assortment of day-olds and it was so much fun (and a bit infuriating to someone who cant stand the suspense of it) watching them become what they eventually became. some were easy to ID llike the White crested black polish. But some it took me months to identify. and searching for pics/clues on the internet. I also got a sebright male in the bunch and they are so cute together.

weird about them but they get along fine with the bigger boys. I guess the bigger boys don't pick on them because they don't really see them as real competition.
Kids are all crying..... A great horned owl squeezed through my top wire and killed the boy's favorite d'uccle rooster, and the not favorite hen.


Guess that means that I need to cover that concrete reinforcing wire with chicken wire.

Man. -so sorry about the loss of your birds. -feel for your kids. -so tough on them. -hope this owl finds elsewhere to hunt....
Alaskan and chicken scout, I'm sorry about your birds. We've lost rabbits, chickens and ducks to a bunch of different predators over the years, including our own dogs and cats. It's always hard to lose something, but to see something you care about treated like just so much walking protein is especially tough!

(I'm trying very hard not to notice those cute little fuzzy things. IdonotneedmorechicksIdonotneedmorechicksIdonotneedmorechicksIdonotneedmorechicks . . . .
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Alaskan and chicken scout, I'm sorry about your birds. We've lost rabbits, chickens and ducks to a bunch of different predators over the years, including our own dogs and cats. It's always hard to lose something, but to see something you care about treated like just so much walking protein is especially tough!

(I'm trying very hard not to notice those cute little fuzzy things. IdonotneedmorechicksIdonotneedmorechicksIdonotneedmorechicksIdonotneedmorechicks . . . .

Thank you muchly for the condolences. And no matter how often it happens, I still really hate it.

BUT, on a nicer note:


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