Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Happy Arctic Blast Sunday!!! Oh my.... -wind is howlin' and temps are droppin'. -donned the coveralls, scooped the feed and overnight droppings, and added a layer of fresh shavings to the coop. -reckon the gals will spend a good bit of time in there today when the freezing rain sets in. -had to cover up all of the jonquils and tulips that are in bloom. Sheesh. -forecast to be 15 tonight......

They should do it in 10 minute intervals over two months. We'd all be late for everything all the time. bad idea. never mind.

My son is going to HATE this news. I endure it, he fights it with grumbling, complaining, and gnashing of teeth. Getting to bed earlier does not work because his 'internal clock is set for standard time.
Yeah me too. I really dislike DST!
Me too! I don't have an alarm clock..don't need one I wake up at 5:00 everyday within 10 minutes of the hour. Daylight savings time messes with me to the point that I have wake up alarms in my head that wake me up at all different hours of the night for about 3 weeks until my own internal clock is re-set. growl. I love the 5:00 hour because I have plenty of time to get my chores done get ready for work, sit and have a cup of coffee before I have to join the 'rat race' and go to work. I lose an hour of that time 'mentally' for those weeks and it makes me grumpy.

On a good note when I get off work I just come straight home/change and go work in my garden for an hour or two because it's still light more going to work in the dark coming home in the dark. I just wish they would leave the times alone..Standard or DST PICK ONE...stick with it and stop messin with me..and everyone

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