Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

i would like to say to all weather men (or women or whoever else controls the weather)
I think that you should STICK with one kind of weather!!!!
all you ever do is make the snow melt almost entirely and then you make it snow!!!!!!!
if you can't decide what to do then QUIT your job.
if you don't have a masters degree in decision making then maybe someone who DOES should take over!!!!!!!!!!
i have HAD it with all of your shenanigans and ploys who are you, a con man?
i will file a protest!!! i am almost a tax payer i have rights!!!!!
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Oh, no, they are adding class time - a whole 6 minutes per class period.
I'm speechless. Just speechless.
Maybe I am looking for a "chicken addicts search for enablers" thread.
It's called the Easter hatch-a-long thread. Those ppl are buying eggs, stacking eggs, overlapping batches, you'd be amazed!!!

OK, where is the " I am a crazy chicken person, please hold my hand since I am getting WAY more chicks than I have space for (without some cramming and quick building that has been declared illegal by spouse) but I am so excited about the new breeds I will be trying, as well as incubating shipped eggs for the first time"

(Have incubated, but never shipped eggs)
I'm in the same boat. I've incubated shipped eggs before (it was my first hatch, I did for someone else, and I don't count it b/c I started the eggs in a crock pot, and ..... I don't want to talk about it)

You'll do just fine. Let them stand at room temp for 24 hours (pointy side down, like always), then keep them at about 80* for a couple of hours before you begin incubating them.
The 24 hours @ room temp gets the air sac back in the large end of the eggs (in case it's detached, which it shouldn't for properly packed and handled eggs).
IDK what the "couple" of hours @ 80* does; I guess it kind of gentles them into incubation.
That's what I was told; you might check out the Hatching 101 article, there's info in there about incubating shipped eggs and I think there might be a thread or article specifically about incubating shipped eggs.
Happy hatching!!

NO! Single digits, snow up to my knees - I should be seeing sprouting daffodils. Spring has been canceled.

Delusion obviously runs in the family.
Which family?

i would like to say to all weather men (or women or whoever else controls the weather)
I think that you should STICK with one kind of weather!!!!
all you ever do is make the snow melt almost entirely and then you make it snow!!!!!!!
if you can't decide what to do then QUIT your job.
if you don't have a masters degree in decision making then maybe someone who DOES should take over!!!!!!!!!!
i have HAD it with all of your shenanigans and ploys who are you, a con man?
i will file a protest!!! i am almost a tax payer i have rights!!!!!
That is another name it is known by, yes.

I see. =)
I like "tulip tree" better.

Now I know what you're talking about. I KWYM that the last freeze comes right after they start blooming. We had one in our backyard a long time ago; I hated when the flowers turned into ugly brown rags on the stick branches. =(
Alaskan-let me know when you find that thread. I have 6 babies in the dining room now and I'm dying to go buy more. Don't want to wait for broody hen or to learn to use this old incubator. I just want more babies!!!
Our last frost is early as third week of April and as late as the 3rd week of May. Usually. But like you said if it comes early and you plant you're sure to get the cold snowy weather. I guess once it did snow here in June but I wasn't around for that. Our forcast for the next 3 weeks looks good down here once we get past this week. I hope you warm up soon too!


No way winter, you can just fade away for all I care!
It is not too awfully unusual for us to have at least one frost every month of "summer" but rarely is it severe after the first week of June. Our average growing season is 90 days in a good year. Oh, and of course there is always several weeks of beautiful days after the first hard frost of fall.
...sipping the afternoon mug. School was canceled due to ice this day. -daughter has been busy sewing......something. I'm not exactly sure what she's making, but she's enjoying her day and creating stuff.

-chickens finally came outdoors when it reached about 23 degrees. I envy all of you getting new babies!! -went to the feed store a few weeks back and they had tons of new chicks. -wanted to bring some home so badly - BUT, I cannot take on any more. My flock o' ten will have to do.

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