Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

When in doubt, always pick rodeo themed injuries.

Well, it is clear that I live with a bunch of little boys. i told them that with all of the smoke in the sky, the chickens probably were already to go to bed, they should go out and lock them up.

Boy #3 asked all happily, "do we get to evacuate?" Boy #4 cheerfully said "don't forget to pack up the icons and all the money" :rolleyes:

Don't worry, it isn't close to our house, the smoke if just being blown our way... They didn't say if any/how many houses were burnt or in trouble.

I sure hope the fire isn't touching any houses. I know that there are a fair number of houses along Funny River Road, but mostly just by the road, so the fire might not have touched anyone.

Newspaper quote:

A fire that began near Funny River Road in Soldotna has grown to nearly seven miles long and almost a mile wide, according to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry's Facebook page. 
By 11 p.m. Monday the fire had consumed nearly 2,500 acres. Fire crews remained on the fire overnight - it has burned to an area about three miles from Tustumena Lake.
thank you
We fed the quail some egg yolk, to help up their protein... The only game bird starter in town is in worm filled 50pound bags. -sigh-

The quail are getting FEATHERS!

I am trying to make another chicken tractor... Not going very well...... I am starting to look at the way overpriced mail order plastic ones... So light! Easy to make boys move them every three minutes, instead of our current 500 pound chicken tractor of dooooooooooom
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I think that it is super cool that they have the run right against the sidewalk. What a hoot!

Thanks oodles for posting the pictures, you know how much I love looking at chicken coops! :D
I haven't had the best night. had a run-in with a heavy overly designed nest box door falling on my head and slamming my face into the edge of the plywood below. I am a sight.

I need some really funny and creative stories to explain a broken nose...anybody?
the rodeo ideas are good ones: there is a contest at the one I went to as a youth, pull the string off the bulls forehead, you get a small fortune, worth risking your life or nose.

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