Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

my chickens waited for me to drink two cups this morning before they got hungry, nice chickens!
@alaskan-glad the fire is mostly contained. Must be scary!

We went yard sale shopping on Saturday. Bought a trampoline in great shape for $45. DBF thinks it's great for grandchildren. I think it's great for my 27 little ones! Lol. Ran fence around it last night and put them all out this morning before I left. What a great pen! Perfectly safe way to get them out of their pen. So excited!!
Super awesome to know that things are going well (or at least well enough,
)Thanks!!! =)

I am still in the midst of "chicken explosion" lol i have
- chick set number one (AKA green chicks since they are in the green tractor), which is all of my Dominique chicks, both breeder and hatchery, with their Cochin broody. Crazy how fast they are growing! And they are right at 5 weeks.
- chick set number two (AKA white chicks since they are in the new white tractor), which is the rest of the hatchery order, plus all the rest of the eggs that I hatched. It is nice, the older ones let the younger bantams join them. So, this set is 5 weeks old and 4 week old bantams.
- "neck chick"
we scraped the back of her/his neck when we were moving the tractor. I watched them all closely for awhile, and everything was fine. We left for four or five hours, and came back to see that all of the other chicks had gone piranha on the red spot while we were gone. I should have known! So, he/she is now in a parrot cage, in one end of the bathtub, and the rest of the bathtub has ... I hope he/she heals quickly. Sorry to hear about that; I've had similar things (duh moments in chicken keeping), but most of mine have not ended in live birds (not that yours is over, but I've lost most of the birds who have suffered my "duh moments"). Anyway, it sounds like you're taking extra special good care of him/her and I hope he/she heals quickly!!! (did I get my foot out of my mouth fast enough?)

- our four quail.

Also... The incubator has some more eggs in it.
One set of shipped bantam Ameraucana along with some of MY d'uccle eggs, due I think Friday (I lost track
)and then some other shipped eggs due I think a week after that the second set of shipped eggs are olive eggers and FBCM Oh, a friend of mine has some EEs and she's going to give me a cockerel when they start hatching (mostly b/c a raccoon got the rooster she was going to give me). I'm super excited to be able to get green and maybe blue eggs!!!

Another also... My muscovy have eggs.... The first nest should hatch about Friday, the second two to 6 days after that, and I have a third nest that looks like it will start being incubated in the next day or three. I already have a waiting list of people who want to buy the ducklings. I am selling them for $10 each. Totally tickled!! I'd be tickled if I could sell something for $10 each. Although, I'm not really willing to deal with the mess of having ducks. Maybe, if I one day get into a situation where I can at least contain the mess at least some, then maybe.... but not now. So happy for you!!!

Oh, there was a giant fire close to me, about 180,000 acres..... But we finally got rain, and so it is at about 50% containment last I checked. Before the rain there was lots of smoke, but now it is much better. Oh, my!!!
I hope things get better and better with that!!! You all take care!!!
PS: I'm so glad to hear from you.
@alaskan-glad the fire is mostly contained. Must be scary!

We went yard sale shopping on Saturday. Bought a trampoline in great shape for $45. DBF thinks it's great for grandchildren. I think it's great for my 27 little ones! Lol. Ran fence around it last night and put them all out this morning before I left. What a great pen! Perfectly safe way to get them out of their pen. So excited!!

We're re-purposing a trampoline into either a "free range" pen or a chicken tractor. It will depend upon us being able to come up with a siding material that's lighter than wood for the "coop" part. Otherwise, it will either be stationary or it will just be a pen for some of them to hang out in sometimes.
Super happy for you that you've got a way to let them get some exercise; I used safety netting with mine until they could get over the side, then I had to build them a coop.

About chickens waiting for their ppl to drink coffee. I take care of mine as soon as I get up, but that's b/c our family sleeps until 7 (sometimes later). It feels lazy to me, but it's the earliest I can get out of bed and really function well. I'm sure I'd forget something if I tried to get up at 6 to do all that, and then I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep before everyone else got up. I'll have to do some thinking and figure out some way to sleep and let all my chickens out by sun up....

I see you hiding back there and laughing!!!

I go out to take care of the chooks this morning and ms Gravy is all fluffed in the nest box. Ok, she seldom lays when the rest of the girls do so I thought nothing of it. Hubby takes me for a nice day out to celebrate my birthday and when we get home I go check on the girls. Everyone comes running but Gravy. I look in the nest box, yep, there she sits, all fluffed up, in the nest box. I reach under her to check for eggs, she fluffs up REALLY big and growls at me!!! I scoop her out and drop her in the breezeway and collect her egg. She stood right at my feet squawking and yelling at me so loud I think she was really lucky I don't speak chicken!
At least she did stay out and nibbled at the fresh sweetcorn ears. Later, I go check and there she was, back in the nest box sitting on a wooden egg I have in the boxes. I plopped her out in the breezeway again and I could hear her squawking all the way back to the house!
Seriously, she's a sex-link, I thought they weren't supposed to go broody!

I see you hiding back there and laughing!!!

I go out to take care of the chooks this morning and ms Gravy is all fluffed in the nest box. Ok, she seldom lays when the rest of the girls do so I thought nothing of it. Hubby takes me for a nice day out to celebrate my birthday and when we get home I go check on the girls. Everyone comes running but Gravy. I look in the nest box, yep, there she sits, all fluffed up, in the nest box. I reach under her to check for eggs, she fluffs up REALLY big and growls at me!!! I scoop her out and drop her in the breezeway and collect her egg. She stood right at my feet squawking and yelling at me so loud I think she was really lucky I don't speak chicken!
At least she did stay out and nibbled at the fresh sweetcorn ears. Later, I go check and there she was, back in the nest box sitting on a wooden egg I have in the boxes. I plopped her out in the breezeway again and I could hear her squawking all the way back to the house!
Seriously, she's a sex-link, I thought they weren't supposed to go broody!
We had a sex-link pullet go broody. She hatched a batch for me. She is 3 now and has never done it again. Go figure?

Quote: Good luck!!!!

@chickisoup Good Luck with the broody!!! May she only do it this once!

@sourland No more broody dances please. I don't have any right now and I don't want any right now! Thanks!

Now can ANYONE tell me what breed they think these two chicks are? Any thoughts are much appreciated. They are supposed to be Olive eggers but I think not. I have my suspicions but maybe I'm wrong.
they are 4 weeks old. I went out this morning and noticed the crests on top of their heads.
I didn't notice it Saturday or yesterday morning and was gone until dark. But didn't miss it this morning!

This is one of them the day I got them. (The black bump behind her is a FBCM.) They have grayish legs no feathering.

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