Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Cheers! I am working on a glass of wine as well. I spent the afternoon shopping with my mother and daughter. My daughter's birthday is coming up so Grandma is doing some spoiling. When I got home, I tried out my new camera and took a few chick and llama pics. Tonight I took my 3 month old chicks baby roost away and they are having to find new roosting spots. I went down to see how it was going and the only one on the roost with the big girls was the silkie. Go figure! I moved the rest over and after a little sqwaking and dancing they settled in except the banty cochin who decided he is hiding under a platform and that is that. Oh well, since he thinks he is the top cockrel, I figure he will work his way around to the roost eventually. As far as the teens go, some days they are very good to each other and then other times I want to bury them both in the back yard!
I love your llamas cute little fuzzy face! And what a great field to free range your chickens in!!
@DizzywitchI was born and raised in Brigham and the surrounding areas. I moved to Ogden and Marriot when I was a teen. I moved out thus way about 20 years ago because there's less people and more land=peace and quiet. ;)

LOL We move here from Salt Lake for the same reason. My weekly treks to Brigham and Willard are about to start with harvest season approaching :) my fruit trees need to grow faster!



A few of my raised beds.... Hubby calls it a tomato jungle. The plants are so cute and small when they go in and the they GROW!

Can you believe it Alaskan???? Superchemicalgirl???? There is a high heat advisory today to my north!!!

How crazy is that??? Should be miserably hot here too (at least for us) Mid to high 80's and sticky, yuck.
HOWEVER, I will be in a nice air-conditioned car as hubby and I are doing a roadtrip today to celebrate our
Sooooooo, it's a little more coffee, icecubes in the water for the girls, fans for the other critters, and OFF WE GO!!!

Have a great week everyone!
Trained for an hour and a half, had a late breakfast, fed the pups a second time - Princess is taking the pugs home - I'm off to pull weeds.
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