Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)


I work from 7:30am to after 9pm and I'm on call 24/7.
1. I pass out regularly.
2. Can you guess my job?

Snoodle update:
She's more and more perky and trying to move around more.
I'm giving her crumbles with plenty of water (and more water whenever we go outside, me and DD) and I'm putting Kefir whey in it (b/c the yogurt is for the ppl in this house, not my rule).
Also, bad news, I lost my Orpington pullet (it was the cockerel that seems to have been bitten by fire ants, but it's the pullet who turned up dead this morning). He was laying on her (like they normally do); I think he was trying to keep her warm....
I'm so sad for him. I don't have any other chicks his age/size. IDK if I can put him in with the Cochin Bantams that are 2 mos older (but about the same size, give or take), but he'd still be the too-many-th cockerel in that pen....IDK what to do...
Glad Snoodle seems better. Sorry about the pullet.

This isn't just the chick a holic in me speaking but maybe you need to see if you can locate him a couple of girls?
@TeaChick Check out black salsify on wikipedia. Here it's known as what would be directly translated as 'black root'. For more of my recipes, search the threads for "Cooking and Carpenty with Felix", I try to label all of my recipes here with that.

+31C is about 88F

I think it's the people of Greenland that have a traditional recipe for shark. It starts with burying the shark for a year to age it. After that I lost my appetite for trying that.
American beauty is such a good movie... A little scary since I have a house full of teenage girls but still a good movie lol. Have you seen tom hanks in captain Philips yet? Tom is a good actor too
No, not yet. It's on my watchlist though.

It's a good movie for them to watch too, they'll learn about the dangers of weird boys with video cameras and hot dads.
:oops: So sorry!!!!  My humblest apologies!!! :bow

[COLOR=008080]Thanks! =)[/COLOR]

Thanks!  I copied and pasted it into the Recipes folder on my desktop (use those a lot).  But I have a question: What's a "salsify"?

As much as anything else tastes like chicken. So, you're right, not really.  I've had shark steaks too; I enjoyed them.  I would try to find either fresher or aged; I had shark from Publix (IDK if you have those where you are, but I would try somewhere like that, somewhere that they know what they're doing and they do it right).

I stand corrected.  Thank you.
Yeah, it's not just the feed companies; it's the grocery stores, USDA, FDA, etc.....(ppl too, IOW)


lol, you are SO right about that!

Glad Snoodle seems better. Sorry about the pullet.

This isn't just the chick a holic in me speaking but maybe you need to see if you can locate him a couple of girls?

Nope. Want to guess more, or should I tell you?

Yeah, I've got to talk DH into that, I mean talk to DH about that.

For now, (while he's injured) I'm going to be able to make an attempt at incorporating him into the Cochin Bantam flock. That way he'll have some company until I can get him some girls. I want a flock of Buff Orpingtons; it's one of my breeding goals.

@TeaChick Check out black salsify on wikipedia. Here it's known as what would be directly translated as 'black root'. For more of my recipes, search the threads for "Cooking and Carpenty with Felix", I try to label all of my recipes here with that.

+31C is about 88F

I think it's the people of Greenland that have a traditional recipe for shark. It starts with burying the shark for a year to age it. After that I lost my appetite for trying that.

Oh, I didn't even think of looking on Wikipedia. I"ll have to do that tomorrow; it's DS's bedtime.

LOL on aging the shark!!!

I don't blame you.

Stay at home mom or law enforcement maybe? Or if you are like me your in retail management and work those hours to save on payroll lol

I'm a SAHM. You got it!
DH was in retail management. Not anymore!!!

Gotta go. Bedtime for DS.

{pg 765}

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