Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

yes! thank you for asking

He came thru the surgery well. They were not able to remove all of the tumor due to the location so he must go thru radiation therapy. He has some challenges with weakness on one side and some minor memory loss but everyone is very positive about the long term prognosis.
The family is a bit upset because he was forced to leave the hospital only 2 days after BRAIN surgery due to the "coverage" but his wife has great support from family close by so they are managing.

Glad he has good ppl around him!!!

Good Morning!

It's been over a week! Better than 3 weeks.
Welcome to the new folks!
Sorry for any losses and illnesses. Congratulations on any new hatches and additions!

I am getting closer to being done with the run. Still hoping to get the coop painted. I did get the roosts and inside reconfigured. I took out a dividing wall with 3 doors and opened it all up. Added an antique galvanized metal 10 hole nest box. It was 15 but the bottom row was rusted and bent so badly it was dangerous so DSO and I removed it. I spent 2 hours getting 8 rustly nuts & bolts removed and DSO got home got out his grinder and removed 10 in about 10 minutes.
I wish I had waited! Sounds like me. Then I used it took off 12 in about 15 minutes, put it up and the girls started using it the next day! Yay!!! I also got some horizontal nipple waterers and configured a bucket. I keep showing them but they won't use it. I push in the nipple they act all interested in the water and then when I take my finger away they try to get water from my finger!
!!!! I'm going with the last one:
I think that's funny; tell your hens that mine drink out of an old Smart Balance tub.
They are too funny! I still have 2 aggressive RIR's. I will try to rehome in a couple of weeks. I had hoped with the new coup configuration they would settle down but no such luck. Are they girls or boys? What age? Have you looked on the BST forum? Sorry too many questions...

I hoped to post some pics this morning. I am sitting at the auto shop getting the truck worked on. (Broken spring) So I brought my computer and tried to import the pics off my phone, because uploading from the computer is so much easier. But the pictures on my phone wouldn't finishing exporting to the computer!
Maybe later this week I'll be able to. I hope! What about posting them from your phone?

I seriously can't wait to be finished with the run and coop. I pulled a back muscle sometime in the last week and somedays I don't seem to accomplish much. But I'm sure it will be ok by the time I'm done.
Aw. I KWYM about feeling better by the time the work is done.
I hope you feel better long before that!!! IDK what your feelings are on taking medications, but Ibuprophen at night before you go to bed would probably at least give you enough relief to sleep well (which will help in the healing process) and Naproxen might help eliminate enough of the inflammation to allow you to work more comfortably during the day.

Things are starting to warm up here. Expected highs of 90 for a few days and high humidity. But we too have a few deciduous trees turning color already.
Fall is just around the corner.

Everyone take care and have an excellent day!
You make sure you're taking care of yourself too!!!
Hope you have a good day too! =)

Nope, I scrounge through the dump and take stuff home. Always "DUDE, this is FREE, I might be able to use it someday!!! "

Pack rat!
(That's what DH calls me when I say that, well something like it) to him.)

I do! my husband and I go to auctions all the time! He even purchased a semi trailer to put all the "junky treasure" we buy in!

I own 7 watertight bags, and no canoe. I think I've only ever used two of those at the same time. I also have maybe 6 backpacks, and only 1 back.

This reminds me of the story my grandmother always told about her uncle whatshisname: He bought 6 ugly barstools at a yard sale and when his wife pointed out that they had nowhere to put them, he said, "They were only 25 cents a piece." They lived in the garage the rest of their days....

I love auctions!!! And flea markets!!! And rummage sales!!! DH rolls his eyes at stuff I bring home until he needs it and doesn't have to go pay full price at a store for it.
Then I get to use the......"I told you so" look. I love that look

I'm into dollar stores, and thrift shops and flea markets are great. I've never been to a swap meet, and I'm pretty sure that DH has developed some unspoken rule against ever exposing me to that kind of .... thrift?
I bought a collander at a Dollar Tree 18 years ago. IDK why I bought it, it was a dollar, and I liked the color, and who doesn't need a collander, right? Anyway, we got married a few years after that and the welcome gift in our first apartment was a spaghetti and sauce "gift basket" in a collander. That one broke and mine lasted 18 years until a few weeks ago when I was sifting ash through it to make lye for soap and then I was tapping (gently) the ash out of it with the garden trowel and realized (too late) that it was cracking from my gentle tapping (guess it got too hot with the ash or something). Anyway, we went to another Dollar Tree to buy another collander and ... long story short: we walked out having spent $5 on a coffee mug (most of the collection I've left behind over the years came from the Dollar Tree where I bought that collander almost two decades ago and the rest came from a thrift store my mom and I used to frequent around the same time) and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles puzzle (DS was with us). Funny thing is that he came in with me so that I would not "walk out with the entire store".
Glad he came in, I would have walked out with nothing but the collander (I'm a good wife like that).
(There are other ways I'm not so good, like trying to get him to buy me chicks every week when TSC is having their "Chick Days".)

Sorry...IDK why I'm talking so much lately...I'll try to stop.
You all must be like
by now. I'm so sorry!!!

I'm surprised it didn't cause all of you to get terrible bowel cramping since you weren't used to the fast food! Definitely a blessing! No, no bowel cramping. IDK whether this means anything or not, but Chic-fil-A is probably the best quality fast food around here, especially for the price you pay there.
I assume the same could be true of an ankle? Explains a lot.
My friend has a business that she makes and sells duct tape accessories. Purses, wallets...not sure what else, lol.
[...something about Chic-fil-a having the best quality fast food...]
that's for sure, I can actually finish a full sandwich from there. A burger or chicken sandwich elsewhere and it's like my body knows it's not "good to eat" and lose my appetite after literally 2 bites.

I still get horrible cramps bowels though...that's probably just me, huh...figures

That welcome coffee cup is marvelous!

Me, I wanna be the guy when he is at the bottom of the cup, sticking his hand up and waving.

Thanks. I do what I can.
I KWYM!!! =D

that's for sure, I can actually finish a full sandwich from there. A burger or chicken sandwich elsewhere and it's like my body knows it's not "good to eat" and lose my appetite after literally 2 bites.

I still get horrible cramps bowels though...that's probably just me, huh...figures

IDK whether it's the best in general, but it's the best quality we can get around here.
Yeah, I KWYM about losing your appetite; it's just not real food by any standards (fast food, I mean)
I'm sorry it does that to you! Maybe you're sensitive to some part of it (gluten or yeast or dairy or something like that, or MSG???) Who knows?
I haven't checked in here for a while. Haha, how's everyone doing? I tell y'all what, my long 8 hour days at volunteer on Saturday are only fueled by coffee.
I have to get there by 9am and I have 5 different physically exhausting tasks to complete before everyone else's arrival.
I haven't checked in here for a while. Haha, how's everyone doing? I tell y'all what, my long 8 hour days at volunteer on Saturday are only fueled by coffee.
I have to get there by 9am and I have 5 different physically exhausting tasks to complete before everyone else's arrival.

sort of like an endurance race?

OK Chickas and Chickos!

My quail are hatching!
There was however, a slight oops in the incubation process, on top of the fact that these are shipped eggs, so also

They are over a day late! I am not sure how not turning them
for the first 5 days can make them so late.

18 made it to lock down. However, they are there NOT because I saw veins or movement, but only because they are clearly not clear. Those eggs are way too tiny to see much of anything.

Interesting too..those quail are so tiny that they get hungry WAY faster than chickens or ducks. The first one hatched this morning, and was already starving by afternoon. I put some food dust in there, and they already ate it all up. Luckily, they are so tiny, that they have plenty of room to eat and drink while still in the toasty warm incubator.

Anyway, I am now up to 5 hatched (out of 18 remember -nail biting emoticon- ) but i think I see two more pips. I can't even see the pips without squinting and staring for one minute per egg!

So, please
that if I really only get 5, that they all live and are female, OR, that at least 5 more hatch.
Marbles, pebbles, something similar in the water bowl. Use a low bowl, and just fill it so that they can drink from between the rocks.

I just used a regular 1 gallon waterer until they are out of the brooder. The little ones get the oil to waterproof their feathers from their mother so they can't swim until they can produce their own oil.

I put in a kiddy pool after they had feathered out. It is fun to watch them play in the pool.

Everyone have a nice day. I hear another cup of coffee calling.
I read that the duckies need to be able to get their head wet so they can keep dust out of their nares. I am trying to come up with something they can dunk thier heads in without the chickies getting trapped.

Haven't been able to quote the last two days. Be glad when BYC works all the glitches out and when our computer is repaired and I can use it at home again.
Somehow we have trees dropping leaves. It's been over 100 several days for about a month now. We're looking at 100*+ later this week. No personal opinion; just hope they stay dry long enough for me to get the minions to put them in the coop for DL.
No winter in sight here.
My personal opinion in fuel prices is that they're going to find a reason to stick it to the consumer for the purpose of lining their pockets regardless of supply, demand, and polar vortex.

The chooks don't seem to care.

Hope you've had a good day too!!!

The yellow poplars and the crape myrtles are dropping leaves here but they are always the earliest to start shedding leaves. It is still a couple of months before the oaks and hickories start losing their leaves here. The highs are around 100 and the lows are about 72

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