Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

perfect coffee weather here, light mist and 35F, new pen/coop is waiting on a hardware cloth order. I hope to have it finished enough for some of the flock to move in before the end of the month.
I hope you get it in time.
Wow, I am tempted to move in with @3goodeggs you have my kind of weather!

I am cold... but I shouldn't complain.... we haven't had a fire for the last bunch of days... but then the temps have been in the 20s and 30s. Actually, last night it RAINED a bunch.
So now the driveway, path to my door, and parking area are ice skating rinks.

It is too cold for the rain to wash away the snow....

Did all of you'll read my scary and exciting Owl story? I stuck it on my brand new blog.

And then on Thursday night child #2 saw a Martin at his bedroom window!
We have been so super busy, I haven't been able to reinforce the duck coop some more. I am hoping that we will have time tomorrow.
A Moron house. I have never heard of that expression, but I have seen them.
I kind of thought we could make a moron chicken coop and eventually kick out the chickens and move in.
(It seems to be a genetic trait on my side. I grew up in one. Really.)
I like your blog.
I will book mark it.
Wow, I am tempted to move in with @3goodeggs you have my kind of weather!

I am cold... but I shouldn't complain.... we haven't had a fire for the last bunch of days... but then the temps have been in the 20s and 30s. Actually, last night it RAINED a bunch.
So now the driveway, path to my door, and parking area are ice skating rinks.

It is too cold for the rain to wash away the snow....

Did all of you'll read my scary and exciting Owl story? I stuck it on my brand new blog.

And then on Thursday night child #2 saw a Martin at his bedroom window!
We have been so super busy, I haven't been able to reinforce the duck coop some more. I am hoping that we will have time tomorrow.
Alaskan, you should make an ice hotel to make the best of the cold.
I think it would be too melty... we are kinda warm right now.

I just looked at some more pictures of those ice/snow hotels. I REALLY want to know why someone would PAY MONEY to freeze their buns off.

@3goodeggs I am so glad you liked the blog!

For some reason a 'moron house' is a common expression around here... probably because so many houses here ARE moron houses.
I think it would be too melty... we are kinda warm right now.

I just looked at some more pictures of those ice/snow hotels.  I REALLY want to know why someone would PAY MONEY to freeze their buns off.

  I am so glad you liked the blog!

For some reason a 'moron house' is a common expression around here... probably because so many houses here ARE moron houses.

We don't have any Ice Hotels here in Florida except for the castle in Disney World which now gets turned into an Ice Palace nightly by Queen Elsa from Frozen.
We do have a lot of Moron houses though and they are all filled to overflowing with Morons.LOL
Weather here is going to be in the mid 60ds this week I may have to put on my thermals!
Weather here is going to be in the mid 60ds this week I may have to put on my thermals!

You know, we've got people on this thread who claim to be able to influence the minds (if you can call them "minds") of chickens long-distance. If you keep making comments like that, you may find your chickens getting increasingly aggressive toward you . . . . Just sayin.'

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