Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Been there, done that too.

Should it be encouraging that we are all rather of the same ilk, or should we be frightened?

Great minds and all that

When my mother cleaned out her coffee maker one time, she found a very long dead cockroach inside the water tank.
No idea how many pots of cockroach coffee she had consumed!

My husband was working at another nursery a few years ago, and he has this thing about coffee.
I am peas porridge hot peas porridge cold, in the pot nine days old kind of person. He needs good coffee. period.

The coffee that he had each morning at work was awful. He brought in his own coffee. Still awful.
Then he decided to clean the water reservoir...and found frogs living in it.
Frog pee in your coffee anyone?
and quadruple ewwww

I did find a little toad had found it's way to my kitchen sink once.
ewww there too.

Yep there are standards for inspection for all sorts of things. You dont want to know what is allowed in chocolate.... or Catsup....

FDA approved levels of filth in food

OMG I havent looked at it in a while


Confirms the wise idea of makin your own... stuff.

I read it deb.
from now on I'll be using as much fresh as I can find.

Quote: X2! not gonna taste it and you can't make me.

Coffee's ready! YUM!!!!

Sorry, but y'all are to much for me this morning. I just had my first sip of coffee.
We were up all night, the police pulled up in our drive at 12am honking their horn. I opened the door to find blue flashing lights in my driveway the office asked if we have a black bull?
I told him just let me get my husband.
So DH went to look and it was ours on the side of the road eating the grass he opened the gate and Bully went back in. lol but then DH spent the next hour fixing the gate.
We got back to bed for DH's alarm to go off at 2am time to got to work. UGH what a night....
Sorry, but y'all are to much for me this morning. I just had my first sip of coffee.
We were up all night, the police pulled up in our drive at 12am honking their horn. I opened the door to find blue flashing lights in my driveway the office asked if we have a black bull?
I told him just let me get my husband.
So DH went to look and it was ours on the side of the road eating the grass he opened the gate and Bully went back in. lol but then DH spent the next hour fixing the gate.
We got back to bed for DH's alarm to go off at 2am time to got to work. UGH what a night....
WONDERFUL NIGHT!!! Did the bull bump the gate open, or????
Quote: No but somehow there was a gap between the fence and the gate. DH had to go to the back of the property in the dark with a flash light to find an old gate to put up in the space to close it off.
We have a cell tower on that part of the property and they are the only ones to use that gate for access so we are not sure how that happened.

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