Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Funny, funny posts Chicki!!!

Look what woke me up this morning!!! I thought it was DSO getting ready for work! Nope it was my very FIRST hatchling Ever!!
(It's a she because I said so too!

I found her in the 2 egg cups over from her shell in the bator! She's a mover and a shaker already!!!

I have a Silkie chickie ! ! !
Not too eggcited, can you tell?
I thought I had got rid of all my chickens except for the layer flock and a few chicks I bought to use as turkey tudors. Then I found I had forgotten about 4 Buckeye chicks that I had hatched out. lol Now I need to get them gone.
I am changing over to all turkey except for the layer flock. We are keeping for our eggs and some customers that get eggs from us.
We don't make anything off the eggs really at 1.50 a dozen but they are our pets and they are very spoiled.
I will be keeping a few Barred Rock's and EE's to be able to keep chick tudors for my turkey and that is about it.
I just found the turkey to be my favorites and so I wanted the Buckeye and Chanteclers to have someone to take good care of them that would be willing to do the work. And I think I found the one to do it she is young but driven.

Funny, funny posts Chicki!!!

Look what woke me up this morning!!! I thought it was DSO getting ready for work! Nope it was my very FIRST hatchling Ever!!
(It's a she because I said so too!

I found her in the 2 egg cups over from her shell in the bator! She's a mover and a shaker already!!!

I have a Silkie chickie ! ! !
Not too eggcited, can you tell?

Yea for Easter chickies!!!! Congratulations!!!
Well, if you are going to hatch I might as well start.. I have been eyeing those small Brinsea incubators. But then I have to be momma hen. I take that momma stuff way too seriously.
I'd have to start thinking about their welfare and educations... I'm too old. and tired. and... but they are cute.
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:gig Educated chickies is a must! My girls have been taught to follow me, come when whistled for, and how to climb the deck stairs all 14 of them! Actually they were self taught. :rolleyes:
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Funny, funny posts Chicki!!! :gig

Look what woke me up this morning!!! I thought it was DSO getting ready for work! Nope it was my very FIRST hatchling Ever!!
(It's a she because I said so too!

I found her in the 2 egg cups over from her shell in the bator! She's a mover and a shaker already!!!

I have a Silkie chickie ! ! !
Not too eggcited, can you tell?
Great! I know it is exciting.

I found her in the 2 egg cups over from her shell in the bator! She's a mover and a shaker already!!!

I have a Silkie chickie ! ! !
Not too eggcited, can you tell?
Congrats! So cute! Can't wait to see what else hatches.

Okay, so Chicken math is at work here. I have two broodies sitting on a shared 8 eggs that are due to hatch Tuesday
. I have been trying to be as hands off as possible so not sure about viability at this point.

Saturday I am taking 3 cockerels to auction. One is actually already sold traded for 4 chicks
. Unfortunatly the 4 chicks with be a week and a half ahead of the hatchlings, if there are any so, I am going to have to set up a brooder box
I need coffee!

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