Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Quote: Okay oh great mistress of google,
How did you find that? How? where? search words what/ How ?
Why are they dancing at the entrance in unison?

A few times a year some new beekeeper wants to know what the bees are doing line dancing (rhythmically swaying) on the landing board. This is called "washboarding" and actually no one knows why they do it, but they do. Personally I think it's a social dance. Perhaps even a thanksgiving dance.

Good enough for me!

Thank you, oh great mistress of the information age.
To our nursery which is seven miles away.
But we need a sleeping place. Sell here to build something very small there, but where do we sleep in the meanwhile?
It is a chicken or the egg thing. Which comes first? Build there with borrowed money but what if we can't sell this and then can't pay back the loan?
I don't like to borrow money.
That is why I am glad chikie can sell timber, It gives them a buffer between rock and hard place.
How do you feel about camping? I lived in a popup trailer for several months while I was building a cottage in the woods. A bit cramped, but I enjoy camping.

The master bog.

Kinda finished cottage...... I've added stuff since..

Quote: Okay oh great mistress of google,
How did you find that? How? where? search words what/ How ?

LOL.... It was my job for about eight years to do research find widgets made with whatsits ever since internet research could be done.

It was pretty simple in the google bar I typed

why do bees dance on the front of their hives in spring

about ten sites popped up and I poked into two that looked likely and got two hits.

I got lucky on this one.

But I can extract blue prints for stuff and data files for transfer into three d programming even find out the foot print of a twenty watt generator... Wanna know how much lead is allowed in circuit cards that are to be sent to Europe.... LOL

I feel the same way about yard sales.
The dogamhickie has a label on it for .50 cents and people want to haggle.
Please, -buy it, don't buy it -I don't care.
My mom did that once-at our house- and my husband said never again. At seven in the morning people were coming into our house without knocking to get a chance at the 'good-stuff'
And THEN, there was the lady pulling the plants up our of our yard. Her excuse was she thought we must not want them anymore.
Yard sale lady, SALE

Good luck today.
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And THEN, there was the lady pulling the plants up our of our yard. Her excuse was she thought we must not want them anymore.
Yard sale lady, SALE

Good luck today.

Well, the plants were part of the yard ------- sale?

At one time, prior to arthritis, the Princess was selling knit goods at craft shows. I went once to help. It took great will power to not tell people, "If you don't intend on buying, keep your grubby (literally) hands off of the goods." The Princess thought that it would be better if I did not help again. As for the actions/attitudes of SOME people at yard sales ------------------

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