Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Naa that won't solve it! Must get more chickies! :)

x2 on the 1588 even I could hatch eggs in it.

Quote: A great big
on all of the above! I've been looking at those. Now I just need to save up! I have until late winter next year. :)

Mugged?!!! i'm glad you're ok! He could've had a gun. Even if it was a while back, I'd probably still have nightmares.
Lamb has a little bit of a funky/gamey taste. Some love it, some hate it - I love it
. Roast leg of lamb with garlic and fresh rosemary.
Mugged?!!! i'm glad you're ok! He could've had a gun. Even if it was a while back, I'd probably still have nightmares.
LOL... happened 23 or so years ago... and yep he could have. The detective said I was lucky he didn't have a knife... And for my own safety should have let go of the purse.

Been knocked about by much bigger animals than some jerk who wants my purse.... I didnt get afraid till I thought of my son.

Deb: I have tried lamb once. It may have been prepared wrong but it tasted funky to me. Its not very popular down here in L.A.
(Lower Alabama).

its an acquired taste for sure. its best if you approach it like "its not going to taste anything like you ever have" point of view. Some eat it with mint jelly... Thats how I had it the first time...

I have Had Lamb chops cooked by Chefs and they were wonderful... With Gorgenzola sauce on it... I liked the lamb I liked the Gogenzola but I didnt like them together.

I have also had lamb chops with Rasberry and Walnut sauce drizzled on it... Yum... Not sweet savory...

I have only cooked lamb myself in the form of lambchops.... because up till now I was the only one in the family that even remotely liked lamb. My son though ate a couple of lamb chops I fixed and he liked it.... Yay.

So this time I wanted to do the whole deal and see how it went.

Lamb is much cheaper than beef these days.


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