Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Welcome deerfieldacres!
and magicpidge!
What does ACT stand for? Australian Canberra Territoiy?
Naw, what is it?
That's it, actually! Imaginative name, huh?

And thanks for the welcome!
Good morning fellow coffee enthusiasts! It's around 8 a.m. here in Kansas. We're having a cool, misty morning. Our weather has been unseasonably cool. Last year at this time we were opening the pool in some really decent heat. We had some 80 degree weather the first of April this year, kind of an April Fool's joke since it's been coolish ever since. Ah well. That's living in Kansas. Never consistent from year to year and can be in the triple digits in summer and negative temps in winter. Fortunately none of it lasts too long.

The kids are out taking care of the chickens and I'm sipping coffee in the house with a chest cold. We have 8 kids, 7 teens with 1 living at college and one pre-teen. Lord help us, but we're surviving it. Chickens are a great therapy for teens and my kids really love the birds. One teen is of the sassy variety so she keeps the coop sparkling for us. If she is going to dish out excrement, she will have to clean it up, is my philosophy. It works for both of us. She gets to "express herself" fully and I get a clean coop. LOL! We laugh about it but when it comes down to it, she'd still rather clean the coop than maintain minimum respect standards. To each his own. She's a great kid, really. Just overly verbose.

Right now we have about 50 meat birds, 50 chicks and an over wintered core flock of 12 and 3 started pullets, plus 3 Ancona ducks, 1 charming Cayuga/Ancona mix and 10 Silver Appleyards growing out.

Well, those are my morning musings, for what it's worth.
Welcome. I have two teenagers so I feel some of your pain. If I had more, I'd be in a rubber room.
@ Deerfield, "Overly verbose" - I remember those days of puberty when my best buddy thought she hated me, and I knew that I did not LIKE her. Eventually they pass.
Sadly, I remember those days when I was the "overly verbose" one.
I sure wish I hadn't done that. I tell DD when I'm gone, like my mother is now, and she is tempted to feel badly for how she behaved just know that I already forgave her and just want her to forgive herself. I didn't make that up on my own. It's what my mother told me. She was awesome.
Sadly, I remember those days when I was the "overly verbose" one.
I sure wish I hadn't done that. I tell DD when I'm gone, like my mother is now, and she is tempted to feel badly for how she behaved just know that I already forgave her and just want her to forgive herself. I didn't make that up on my own. It's what my mother told me. She was awesome.
Wow! awesome line!

Welcome all the new folk!

I think I stole Deb's rain
@perchie.girl We are no where near as bad as the rest of you'll, but I am happy it is raining, since we got up to moderate fire risk... After the giant fire last year, I feel lots better when the meter is in the green.

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