Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

For anyone who is interested, this is how the fish picture turned out... Would have been happier if I could figure out how to get the charcoal to be smooth...

gorgeous! I like the texture in the charcoal!
Here are my two latest broody babies. I had a chicken sitter who did not remove eggs for a week. I had 4 broodies when I got back. I broke 3 but one stuck it out and received a mixed clutch to sit on. Let's play GUESS THE MAMA!!! Your choices are: Here's dad: Here's the 2 week old babies: There are 3 more that I know are full blood Phoenix, but these two :idunno .
They're all so pretty! Including the 2 week chicks! Adorable :love
Btw my babies are sleeping outside for the first time, they're six weeks old, I don't have a coop yet, they're on a rooster cage, And I covered them with a sheet and a huge tard, I just hope they're ok :oops:
Haha, thanks. How did little chickies do? I woke up to some ruckus, seems like my older bantam has decided that my poor little silkie is the perfect victim.

They woke up just fine, however now I'm worried about the hot, here nights are as cold as in the Antarctica and days as hot as in the Sahara, and they look like they're suffering from the hotness

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