Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Thanks for the info about the rhubarb Ron! I have been paranoid about my hens getting into my herb garden and getting sick on my enormous rhubarb plants. I already have a problem with these crazy hens gobbling any rose petals up that fall my rose bushes like they are chicken candy!

Rose petals make wonderful tea. Or you can add them to black tea, again wonderful! My girls harvested the petals off my rose bush before they fell, so the chickens didn't get any.

The only things I actually do avoid,

High salt, high sugar, and caffeine, and chocolate, and alcohol

Originally Posted by Puddin Fluff

Right on! Don't waste the good stuff!!!!!
I agree!
mind you... wouldn't mind seeing a drunk chicken....

I wonder what that would look like. I bet someone's already done that and put a video of it on YouTube.

I've seen a drunk cat and a drunk Chihuahua. Both were funny at the time but now not so much. Plus, why waste good spirits on a chicken? They are goofy enough.

True, their natural antics make getting them drunk a waste and overkill.
I'm still going to search "drunk chicken" on YouTube. ;)

I got my first full production day of the year! 12 for 12. Happy almost 4th of July.

Yay for full production!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, yeah! =)

Lol I like that

and to the coffee thread.

Happy Independence Day..
Yesterday was a good day. My son stared building my soilder fly bin.

And I got a new coffee cup.

Yum. (about the soldier fly bin).
You forgot the pic of the coffee cup. Don't you know that it's the coffee cup that's important to us BYCers????
Here's the cup!

Well, that's okay now.
Where'd you get it? I want one. DH thinks he's Superman; if I drink out of a Wonder Woman cup, maybe that will put him in his place. hehehe

Here are my two latest broody babies. I had a chicken sitter who did not remove eggs for a week. I had 4 broodies when I got back. I broke 3 but one stuck it out and received a mixed clutch to sit on.

Let's play GUESS THE MAMA!!!

Your choices are:

Here's dad:

Here's the 2 week old babies:

There are 3 more that I know are full blood Phoenix, but these two

I think the dark chick is from the third mom and the white chick is from one of the brown (EE?) moms. Neither of them looks Cochin to me (that's what the first mom option is, right?)

I had a difficult time finding the second chick.
It is funny how until I read that there were two, It was invisible to me.
They are handsome.

Same here.
I agree on them being handsome too.

For anyone who is interested, this is how the fish picture turned out... Would have been happier if I could figure out how to get the charcoal to be smooth...

Very pretty!!!!!

gorgeous! I like the texture in the charcoal!

They woke up just fine, however now I'm worried about the hot, here nights are as cold as in the Antarctica and days as hot as in the Sahara, and they look like they're suffering from the hotness

Someone told me that she freezes water in milk cartons, then she sets them out in the runs. The chickens go stand near them to cool off. I tried it, but none of mine were interested; then again, I free range and I didn't put the ice where they usually hang out, so I don't really know how well it would work.
Well, I don't really live in CA but in a place similar to it,
please don't hate me, I'm just ashamed of telling where I live

Don't worry about shame. We all live where we live and the vast majority of us don't have any real control over where we live.
But, also, don't feel like you have to tell exactly where you live either, as @Bunnylady said, we totally respect your privacy. Share as much or as little as you want! =)
Of course we don't hate you!!!

Thank you, it's just that I feel bad about the place I live in, I hate living here

I hate living where I do too, so you're not alone. =)

Ah haven't been on in such a long time...
still battling the litter bugs who keep throwing all their trash in my truck bed and the walmart buggies.
How is everyone?

Enjoying the battle?
Pretty well. You?
Ok everyone, about to vent warning!!!

I decided to set my desktop up to recieve the Win10 update that is "supposed" to start rolling out on July 29 to developers and beta testers (which I forgot to get this machine signed up for) then
those who have reserved their copies in advance. They are describing the roll out as coming in "waves" with the POS folks getting the update/install patch last and everyone else that hadn't gotten their machines approved in advance somewhere in the middle.
ANYWAY, I haven't had this machine on for awhile and now it's doing 130 so-called critical updates before I can get the stupid pre-approval button to appear on my taskbar!!!

On top of that my PCP has been declared an idiot by my insurance company cancer nurse (long story-when you are dxd w/cancer you get closely tracked by a nurse who calls you regularly and/or any time something different shows up on your insurance/drug claims). I have to say even tho the nurse can be a bit of a pest at times, any of them I have ever dealt with (you get a new one occasionally) I have been extremely happy and with our coverage with UHC. Anyway, back to my new PCP being an idiot, I am afraid I have to totally agree with the nurse. She is supposed to call me back tomorrow to find out if he has changed the latest treatment procedures (or lack of) after I finally managed to get an answer from him. She is NOT going to be happy with the response so I might have started a war
. Since this is important I think I am forced to seek out a new PCP which will mean going 40 miles in the opposite direction from our house to a different hospital from my hubby that I have never been to (up here all the clinics are in hospitals). What a mess. At least I still have the best Hematology Oncologist in the world (well worth the 2+ hour drive to his clinic)

Oh goody. I just checked and my update 39% complete. At this rate I should be done in time for supper and I'm supposed to have DSL!!!!

I skimmed most of this b/c I don't understand computer language.
My computer and DH's computer have been asking us for like a month to update to Windows 10. I'm sure we're not signed up as anything (certainly not developers or beta testers, DH doesn't believe in being a guinea pig). He didn't update and he told me not to; he's waiting to find out what the guinea pigs think of it first. IDK; I haven't asked him about it lately.
Yes, IDK anything about computers, but I have learned that "backing up" is important.
I hope everything is straightened out!!!



I don't like pumpkin this much.
I wait the other half of the year for strawberry flavored everything. =)

on the pumpkin

As to computers... I got a new one because the old one was about to implode... And I HATE IT!!

I have o ly used a single handful of times.... I want to bust it with a hammer... Windows 8 is the extreme of horrid... It doesn't do what I want, keeps freezing up, it is aweful... Better to not have a computer.

re: computer(s)
Yep take it back tell em fix it or put windows 7 on it.

Played with the chicks, camera and my Granddaughter today she is 3 and took these pics.

This is now Needle. She gave Pompom a new name since this is now HER chicken.

This is Little Nitty and that is the *too old to wear that polish*

The gang exploring.

We had a great day and with them and then gave the dog a bath in the pool.
re: the chicks and chickens

I wouldn't worry about the polish; I don't think you're too old for that color. =)

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