Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Good morning fellow coffee drinkers!!! :caf
So I survived my first week of teaching! Crazy shifts, still finishing old job... My son has been on chicken duty! He has been awesome!
We have rats eating the chicken feed so now I gotta figure that out. I sure miss my mouser!
My black fly larva died, not sure what happened there! We are starting over. :he

And I leave on Thursday for my vacation and haven't packed!

How is your Monday?

Welcome new folks! It's a lot of fun here....

Alaskan :eek:. 60? Really?

Chicken soup that is scary! I'm sorry to hear about your girls.
woo hoo today is MONDAY...
chirp chirp tonight I follow through for week two.... of a project I started.

Got up at 9 am... Yep need coffee today. Espresso only no cream... i am drinking my four shots over ice most days now... Its good that way... first few sips are just cold espresso then the ice melts and it becomes an Americano... Not my very first choice but its a good second.

and NO I am not a coffee purist.... I like it hot I like it cold I like it lukewarm (never knew it was a single word... lukewarm) I like it the next day maybe even the day after... gawd I sound like Dr Seuss

Now I am off to go find a fly mask for my horse... usual place was out this weekend.

:::drags butt to chair::::

Drove hubby to work at 4am so I'd have the car to take Mom and three cats to the vet for spay/neuter at 8am. Third night of night driving on top of hectic days. Over did it yesterday getting the hen pen ready for the new girls I brought home and my legs don't want to move. Mom was less than helpful getting the cats into carriers, and I'm cut to ribbons on my arms now. Got hubby back home and went outside to take care of the zoo - and something bit my forehead. Not sure what it was, it's a hot goose egg between and over my eye and temple. I'm a mess.

Still in a decent mood, but my body's waving a white flag... and I definitely need more coffee than I have on hand to get through today wish me luck
I am with you about the coffee deb..

This morning I am having a large steaming cup of coffee... Brewed Saturday, nuked right now Yum!

LOL.... The only time I ever spit it out was when it had a bug in it.... left my half filled cup on the desk at the office... over the weekend... a fly committed harakiri in it.. So I look before I drink now.

:::drags butt to chair::::

Drove hubby to work at 4am so I'd have the car to take Mom and three cats to the vet for spay/neuter at 8am. Third night of night driving on top of hectic days. Over did it yesterday getting the hen pen ready for the new girls I brought home and my legs don't want to move. Mom was less than helpful getting the cats into carriers, and I'm cut to ribbons on my arms now. Got hubby back home and went outside to take care of the zoo - and something bit my forehead. Not sure what it was, it's a hot goose egg between and over my eye and temple. I'm a mess.

Still in a decent mood, but my body's waving a white flag... and I definitely need more coffee than I have on hand to get through today wish me luck

Good for you!

I am back to work after a week off. I had a drive last week on Thursday. My DW went in for Surgery at an Endocrine clinic in San Francisco, which is about two hours from home...We left at 5 in the morning and I had to drive in SF! In Down Town SF! We did not get back home until 10pm. I needed coffee that day for sure.

Yesterday I replace the seal and re anchored the plate of a toilet. I managed to pull a muscle in my upper back leg too. I am feeling it today too.
LOL.... The only time I ever spit it out was when it had a bug in it.... left my half filled cup on the desk at the office... over the weekend... a fly committed harakiri in it.. So I look before I drink now.

Do you use a lid now?
:::drags butt to chair::::

Drove hubby to work at 4am so I'd have the car to take Mom and three cats to the vet for spay/neuter at 8am.  Third night of night driving on top of hectic days. Over did it yesterday getting the hen pen ready for the new girls I brought home and my legs don't want to move.  Mom was less than helpful getting the cats into carriers, and I'm cut to ribbons on my arms now.  Got hubby back home and went outside to take care of the zoo - and something  bit my forehead.  Not sure what it was, it's a hot goose egg between and over my eye and temple.  I'm a mess.

Still in a decent mood, but my body's waving a white flag... and I definitely need more coffee than I have on hand to get through today wish me luck

Wow! That sounds like a doozy of a day! :hugs

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