Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Quote: Wow.... Does anyone use Unix any more? I know when I worked a couple of contract Aerospace jobs the only solid modeling Software was Catia.... and it ran on Unix... of course ProE and Solid Works have become the work horses in that area but I am sure there are specifics for the government.

Catia could handle the WHOLE database of components for an airplane. The 777 was designed soley in Catia... We used that database to create tooling for the plane. Unfortunately they didnt have tool desingers that could run Catia... So we were called in to draw them up by hand. Work platforms are considered tooling. We could do it faster on paper...

Wow.... Does anyone use Unix any more? I know when I worked a couple of contract Aerospace jobs the only solid modeling Software was Catia.... and it ran on Unix... of course ProE and Solid Works have become the work horses in that area but I am sure there are specifics for the government.

Catia could handle the WHOLE database of components for an airplane. The 777 was designed soley in Catia... We used that database to create tooling for the plane. Unfortunately they didnt have tool desingers that could run Catia... So we were called in to draw them up by hand. Work platforms are considered tooling. We could do it faster on paper...

There are still some Unix systems out there. Mostly some type of Linux is used. Our new sites are Linux running a Drupal Stack. We are still getting used to Drupal, which is a web server platform.
From what I understood NT was supposed to handshake very easily with Unix... so I assumed when NT was replaced that Unix wasnt in the picture so much. Languages are such living things.... and now that the home PC is as powerful as the Unix based systems were back in the 80s-90s some even more powerful... I remember when Cray computers were the big deal.... Now my plunking pc here could compete with a cray just in information processing.

A neighbor here used to work for the Union Tribune back twenty years ago... he was an IT guy there. When they closed shop he procured one of their computers. They delivered it on a flatbed truck... about the size of a volkeswagon... it was awesome... he laughed.... and said... it had a 20 Megabyte memory.... he was preserving a piece of history two fold... The end of the Newspaper monopoly on news... and the beginning of small format computing... Yep that was a small one.


All this computer talk...
I own a computer... It has a touch screen.
When the cat jumps up to be loved on and his tell wags... The screen changes. Like I don't have enough handy caps when it comes to computer! :he
All this computer talk...
I own a computer... It has a touch screen.
When the cat jumps up to be loved on and his tell wags... The screen changes. Like I don't have enough handy caps when it comes to computer!


I have one that gets into the way here too.
I don't mind the ones that just jump on my lap for attention; it's the one that jumps at me and claws his way into position.
I'm still healing up from his last botched landing.
@perchie.girl - Thanks. loved my job, even honored at the annual conference for my "contribution to excellence" just didn't realize I was going insane until IBM came in and did a "work study" and reported that 8.2 people should be doing my job!
I would have settled for the .2 of help at that point.
Totally burnt out the following year and went joyfully screaming for the hills burning my IBM blue suits along the way

(lasted literally years longer than anyone else that had my position-my predecessor didn't make it 6 months)
I did hear that after several unsuccessful attempts to permanently fill my position they created two more jobs turning it into a team. Gee, thanks guys
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