Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Omg.... how long does it take....

About 5 minutes or so in one of those. You can roast about 1/2 a cup of green beans in one. The beans will expand out to about a cup of roasted beans and chaff will come off. It is best to roast under a vent hood and the chaff will float around.

The dedicated coffee roasters have a system for catching the chaff.

Best tasting coffee though.
Had a knock down drag out argument with grandma this morning...  (just loud words on my part because she refuses to put in her hearing aids....:barnie )  Not over the hearing aids but because she dredged up a document that I thought we had put to rest a couple of years ago....  I had just rolled out of bed and couldnt see yet... and I could tell she had been worrying over this for a couple of hours...  I said I have to get my glasses if you want me to read them.  "you dont have to read them you just have to look at them."   I went out to the car to get my glasses Pondering her logic..

The document listed some bonds she had to have transferd into her name.  She insisted said bonds were no where to be found...  I couldnt prove it but I had a feeling they were in her safe deposit box.  We went through this exercize a couple of years ago, she had pulled them out and I listed all the numbers in the envelopes...  and sorted and put everything in order...  so we put them back in the deposit box and back in the safe...

This morning she had the old "COPY" of the document the bank had prepared, that listed the bonds..insisted that she hadnt sent it in and the bank should have done it...  And that she didnt have the bonds....  she has been worrying over this for about three months now... 

When she brought it up this morning I told her we had dealt with this already.  After she said "What" about four hundred times I started raising my voice.  then she got mad.  then she said she wanted to go to the bank to clear it up...  Again I said we already had it cleared up...  "Does that mean yuou wont take me"  I said no I will take you...  She wont believe me maybe she will believe the people at the bank.

So off we went neither one talking to each other (the result of a difference of opinion in this family)..  Then she made the comment of "Thank you for taking the Trouble of bringing me to the bank"...  She should have run a knife into my ribs it would have hurt less.  I offered no comment.

WE got there and the "expert on bonds" Grandma insisted was needed doesnt exist.   Apparently the government changed its rules and doesnt allow banks to do this sort of work for people.  But the banking associate took us under his wing and endeavored to find out...  He called the treasury to find out... we didnt have enough information with us for them to be any help....  So he wrote down the website and the form to print out to make a claim of lost bonds..    During this conversation I recommended to grandma to get everything out of the safe deposit box and bring it home to give it a good look over...  I cant go in those private booths are for skinny people not obese women in walkers.

So much conversation later Grandma insinuating that someone in the bank might have "done" something with them.  She has an AHA moment.... "Well I think I might just open my safe deposit box and BRing that stuff home so I can give it a good look over"  I said...  "Good idea grandma"

So off she went  about an hour later she came out with her bag full of stuff.  Commented to me that some nice person in the bank had written all the numbers on the outside of the envelopes in very nice neat handwriting...  I said "thats good"  as we went out the door.

After a discussion of what to bring home for lunch we came home with the usual... LOL.  She said my dinner last night made her throw up...  So we came home with what shes been eating for about three years now for lunch.  An In and Out burger.  As she sat and ate she read... and compared documents...

Pretty soon she announced she had "Found them all ! "  I am in the other room on the  internet by now...  'Yay..." I said.   As I went by her on the way to another room.  I pointed to the back of one of the envelopes...  "Thats my hand writing.... by the way"   Then when I went back by she said...  "You missed one"   

Story of my life I can do brilliant things but its that one last knife dig that erases all my validity.

She hasnt changed in 99 years.  and I still havent learned that I will never get validation from her.

Sorry to rant  I needed to type it though.


I know I'm really late to this comment, but I almost cried. I'd give anything to be able to argue with my grandparents. They weren't really nice people, but I miss them.
This was my first coffee bean roaster(The 1980's version)


I use to have one of those! I dint know I could use it for coffee beans...
Quote: I am sorry you havent had the chance.

I love my grandma love what she represents and love the stories she tells. And it pains me to try to deal with that other side of her.... I am the ONLY caregiver in this family. Mom gets along with her over the phone... she lives five minutes away too.

There are only four of us in the family Grandma Mom Me and my Son. When grandma passes mom will be next... thankfully she will be willing to let me live at my own house.

@perchie.girl Do you get away ever? It's good for the soul.

for an hour or two... I used to go up to my house about two times per week... I have to time it when my son is home. I cant leave her by herself longer than about four hours, if I need my sons help with something.

Its an hour drive each way so I get two hours to off load say hi to my horse check to see that she has water and no boo boos and turn around to come home. Thank goodness I have a neighbor that feeds her and knows horses well enough to let me know if she has problems.

I havent seen her in about eight weeks.... Baby girl is twenty one.

The plan was and still stands for me to go up there on weekends. Drive up spend the night and drive back.

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