Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Chickisoup Sorry for your loss.

I think Clover is one of the plants that adds nitrogen to the soil so you may want to rotate or plant something that needs alot of nitrogen with it.
I was told that is why they add it to grass seed because it helps to fertilize the grass. Don't know if it is true but sounds good.
Chickisoup Sorry for your loss.

I think Clover is one of the plants that adds nitrogen to the soil so you may want to rotate or plant something that needs alot of nitrogen with it.
I was told that is why they add it to grass seed because it helps to fertilize the grass. Don't know if it is true but sounds good.
It is hard to find clover i grass seeds anymore.

Clover is also a nurse crop--it helps the grass grow. The problem is that it will sometimes take over the grass!

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