Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)


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No need for anyone to reply, sitting here crying and I just needed to vent.

This day just totally stinks on so many different levels.

Still recovering from first "bug" I've picked up since being dxd w//CML over 8 years ago.  Unfortunately I first  shared it with the DH who is now soundly asleep after insisting on going to town with me this morning.  A trip we knew was coming, I just didn't expect to have to make it so soon.  We left with a pet carrier filled with the most loving, gentle creature anyone would ever want the blessing to know and we only brought the carrier back home.  There was nothing left that could be done for her Feline Lymphoma and the past few days had told me that her quality of life was rapidly slipping away and after talking with my wonderful vet, I was forced to choose to do the hard thing, the heartbreaking thing, the loving thing, the right thing.  Why is it the right thing is the one that always seems to be the most painful?

Anyway, Thanks for listening.
Now I have to get moving and start the stock for the chicken soup that my poor DH is going to be in serious need of very soon.


we give them the best life they can and they reward us 100 fold.  IN my 60 years It never gets easy.....


So sorry for the time you've been having and for your loss. Last year was a rough one for my family and friends pet's. All told four animals were diagnosed with and lost their battles with cancer, the first one was my 15 year old cat Cassie, we missed her cancer completely because we were battling hyperthyroidism. That moment is one I'll never forget when our wonderful vet told us that her thyroid levels were finally normal but that she was continuing to lose weight and there was a mass in her abdomen. We brought her home and went to the store. We bought everything we could to try to give her a couple good weeks, but three days later her system began shutting down and we had to make that choice for her. She spent the morning outside with me in the sun and the grass (last summer) and then we went and she fell asleep in my arms while my phone played "Into the West" from The Lord of the Rings in the background because I was sobbing too hard to sing it for her. She always loved music and to hear me sing. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do and less than a month later I went back with my Mom, Aunt and Grandparents to put my Grandma's sheltie down who also had cancer. She was like my dog before I had a dog and we lived with them for over 4 years. We also had an outdoor cat that had cancer in December, and my best friends' family lost a German Shepherd, named Willow too.
I'm sorry if this upsets you or makes it harder. I'm here if you want to talk or share pictures and stories. They're not just cats, or dogs, horses, or even just chickens... I think we all know and feel that here to varying degrees. My Cassie, well, she was the sweetest kitty I ever knew and probably will ever know, she was the last of a line descended from the original barn cats from my grandparents' farm, my brothers and I each picked a kitten when we were 3, 6, and 8(I am the youngest.)

More importantly Cassie was my peace and my hope, my confidant and a piece of my childhood brought with after my parents divorced and we were forced to move, with a promise from the new owners to care for the cats. The last litter born on the farm before the cats were fixed we chose two kittens to keep. I was never quite sure if I were more her mother or she mine.

God Bless you and give you peace. I still find myself waking up searching for her in the dark and I still miss her with all of my heart. But after working at a locally owned no kill shelter for two years I know that there are worse fates than falling to sleep loved beyond comprehension. I also feel down to my very heart that someday God will reunite us, He can do all things and He knows how much I long to hear her chainsaw-loud purr again.

Have you heard the rainbow bridge poems?

This is my Cassie:

her peaceful last day.

Before she was sick.
Chickendreams24 - Thank you so much, that was so very sweet. I am sorry that you know too well where I have been. I have read the rainbow poems and I own the "I will see you in heaven" book that was written by a priest. The worst for me was we were not able to bury her next to best buddy under our big White Pine because we just didn't know how sick she was until it was just too late to be able to dig the grave. I think that hurts the worst, that we couldn't physically bring her home but I know she is here. Thank you again for caring and I'm so sorry for your loss
(and your mom's too)

Mizia Her name is Polish for "too snuggle or cuddle". Doing her favorite thing in the world, following me around the herb garden.
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