Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)


You didn't fall back off the computer did you?
Come back Chickwhispers, come back!!!! I missed you!!!

Chicken People


5.0 out of 5 stars (4) IMDb 8.3/10
"Chicken People" takes a humorous and heartfelt look at the colorful and hugely competitive world of champion show chicken breeders. A real life "Best in Show" but about chickens, the film follows the struggles and triumphs of both humans and their chickens on the road to compete at the Ohio National Poultry Show, considered the Westminster of Chickens.
Brian Caraker, Brian Knox, Shari McCollough​
finally released! available on Amazon and Itunes
Quote: Thanks! I always think of your place as a ranch. the pictures you've posted look ranch like. I define a ranch as to the goals and dreams one has for the piece of land.

I agree completely with the meme (especially the reality part). So very awesome to see you! You have most certainly been missed.

I need to repost:

Thank you Alaskan! Repost away!
My (former) neice does those; she shares my love of coffee, and even though we're no longer related all of my former neices still call me Aunt.
Love them all!
Morning coffee is done, time to get to work....or take a nap.
I'm ready for a nap.


You didn't fall back off the computer did you?
Nope. I'm here. but have just a very odd schedule. I help my daughter usually one day a week but it takes 2 days to recover.

Quote: I'm here!!!!!!!

I missed your graphics.
Ah! Finally... At lunch time.... I have a chance to sit... Sip coffee and read BYC.

This morning I had to take my goats on a thirty minute drive to be dropped off for a "date".


Blasted girls look like it was a dry run... I really thought the one was going into heat..... Guess not. :rant

However... It will not be a total waste... The guy there has an electric debudding iron and said he can get the little bit of horn that is growing on my doeling. And he is going to give us a free old rabbit. We have been wanting to see just how easy it is to slaughter a rabbit...and spouse can do wonders with old I am sure spouse can make three year old bunny yummy. :ya

Anyway... I will grab a buck rag when I pick the does up hopefully I will know for sure next time......

The lady with the buck would board my girls for a few weeks until they get pregnant except that my one girl is still milking...and she doesn't want to milk a strange doe (she is 62, and no longer muscular). I don't want to dry my girl up yet... I want two to three more mobths of goodness out of her.
Peep_Show - I love seeing the Balloon Fest pics. Our dogs used to go completely crazy during the fall in NM when balloons would come over... miss the smell of roasting chilis and crisp air...
Happy joy... Milking girl WAS going into heat... Milked her and left her overnight to make sure it "sticks". Dry maiden girl will be left for however long it takes to get her covered.


So happy I will now have pregnant does... WHAT a relief!!

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