Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

What kept mankind alive before there was coffee? Why would cavemen and women get up to spend a day fighting Sabre Tooth Tigers, Cave Bears, and all those other grouchy human eating critters without coffee to give them the morning boost?

Would it not have been easier to roll over and let the tiger eat them without coffee to keep them going?

Did you know the Inca's had coffee? The blood sacrifices when they cut a persons heart out was actually performed on those that preached against coffee?
Far too many facts to absorb before the first cup.

Good morning, Everyone! Still working on my first cup before venturing out for a harvest day in the garden. Today is the sweet potato bed and chile peppers. It's a brisk 53 here with clear skies, but slated for 83 later.

Coffee is nearly inspirational this morning.
What kept mankind alive before there was coffee? Why would cavemen and women get up to spend a day fighting Sabre Tooth Tigers, Cave Bears, and all those other grouchy human eating critters without coffee to give them the morning boost?

Would it not have been easier to roll over and let the tiger eat them without coffee to keep them going?

Did you know the Inca's had coffee? The blood sacrifices when they cut a persons heart out was actually performed on those that preached against coffee?

If saber tooths were still alive, I would definitely be dead.
@duluthralphie great morning to ya.., had bring in the tiger

well guess I can be mean enough in the morning before my mud
I could eat the tiger

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