Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

He isn't kidding found them on Amazon some real goofy games some might be offended
but I think most of us would get a kick out of them
I never kid, I have no sense of humor
Coffee M&M's?? Just combine two addictions into one... I'm doomed.

Welcome to the newbies! We are the proud, the caffeinated, the... Darn! Too much coffee. My mind bounced.
Morning everyone

Been too busy taking advantage of the last of the good weather to get things buttoned down and ready for today's rain/snow/ice that always marks the official start of the long dark days for us(as well as for SCG, Alaskan, Ralphie and all our Canadian peeps). The "event" hasn't begun yet but the chooks know. The spoiled things at first wouldn't come out of the coop this morning, then when they did they took off, molting feathers flying in the strong wind, running for the greenhouse where they plopped down and haven't moved!

I have 2 wells here, one for the garden and one for the houses. I have thought about driving a sand point for a well for the birds. It would make life better for me. Besides the water from the sand points tasted better and are colder.

The state though will not let a bank finance a house on a sand point. They may even make you pull it before they let you sell. Government that thinks country and city wells are the same thing and should be treated the same. They make us drill over 100 ft for our "house" wells, if we stay around 40 ft we get better water and just as much.
Wow Ralphie! And I thought we were the crazy next door neighbors!!! Our DNR rules aren't that nuts, yet. At least not about wells. They did kind of go off the deep end about septic systems a few years ago.
a 100 ft minimum, really? We were on a sand point for years, with lovely tasting water, until we had a few years of drought and the sandpoint for the gardens started going dry. Made the DH nervous and he called the relatives (many, kids, grandkids, uncles, etc. are in the well/water biz in one form or other) and drove a well for the house. Had to go down 75 ft and then back up a little to get a good flow and now we have iron water
. I get my coffee water from the sand point until we have to put it to bed for the winter. Thought of driving a point for the chickens here too. 15 feet is the deepest we've had to go to hit good water here, usually 10 - 12 does it. We have two hand drivers and several points and pipes laying around. (The boys bring us their "leftovers" when they come up in the fall for hunting season). Pa is getting a bit old for the driving but he taught a neighbor how to do wells right after they bought the old farmhouse down the road and he owes us several favors, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Not enough coffee yet this morning to deal with this

@penny1960 Thanks for the welcome! Mmmm, coffee and nuts. Yummy!
By the way, has anyone tried out the new kind of M&Ms? They are coffee flavored! My mom doesn't like them, but I found them quite delicious and perfect for early morning snacks.

So good!

@duluthralphie Wow, just wow.

Oh good grief!!! How could they??? Don't they know that Deb and I are supposed to stay away from this evil stuff? The devils!!!!

Can you drive sand points there? We still can here but we have to "disclose" them when we sell.
Boy, if that was the law here the entire northern half of the state would never sell their houses! Some places here still have homes with wells in the middle of town (tho I must admit that is just a bit nuts). They claim they keep them for when the city pipes burst in winter.

Ok, the weather is starting so I better get back outside and finish the morning chores before things get slippery. Later.
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I love my coffee, but I do not like coffee flavored anything. That bag of M&M's would rot and get thrown out here.

I also have better developed taste buds than most of you. They are so well developed and refined I cannot stand the taste of cold coffee, ice coffee or those coffee flavored fufu drinks. like Lattes.

I do not say this in a bragging manner I simply say it as the matter of fact it is. I am sure most of you know by now how much more evolved I am than your normal chickeners......
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Great try there @duluthralphie I cannot tolerate cold coffee or latte's
iced coffee makes me laugh all my years working I can only guess the many times
I had cold coffee in my cup I refuse to pay for it..
sorry to break your bubble there I do not drink the flavors they mess with my stomach
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