Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Love your new avatar Ralphie

GOOD NEWS!!! We got our 6 point buck today!

BAD NEWS. (only 10,000 miles on it.)

waiting to hear, along with all the other damage, if the frame
is cracked which would equal a "total". The worst damage isn't
visible, except for the headlight unit that fell off after we got into
the garage and the hood that had wrapped up over the windshield
that we had to rope and bungee down enough to see to get back
to town.
Ahhh @chickisoup your both alright yes thats what really matter did you get to
keep the buck
Thank you Penny. Yep, we've definitely overworked our guardian angel lately. We could have kept it, if we could have gotten to it but the darn thing decided to go back down the deep ravine it had came barreling full tilt out of. I watched it go all the way to the bottom, lay down and die. We were able to get just enough of a cell signal to call 911 and the lady officer that showed up offered to help us drag it up until she realized it would probably take a tow rope and several strong farm boys to get that big buck out of there. Besides, we had to get the car back to town and to our dealer before it decided to stop running. It won't go to waste tho. A crew from the raptor rescue and education center was going to be sent after it and it will feed a lot of recovering, hungry, eagles and other raptors.
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So nothing goes to waste @chickisoup that is the best if you
couldn't have it but I do understand I hit a 5 point many years ago
driving ford comet gt I had but the buck lived my car didn't
Is your accident going to be in a Farmers commercial?

Glad you're all okay. (Well, except, obviously, the trophy buck isn't.) Be glad it wasn't a moose.
Is your accident going to be in a Farmers commercial?

Glad you're all okay. (Well, except, obviously, the trophy buck isn't.) Be glad it wasn't a moose.
Good point! There's always the silver lining, no moose.

Odds were also against another car being on that road the same time as us (our entire large county only has 2 stop lights and both are in the county seat) so no one else was at risk,
but there are logging trucks, propane delivery vehicles and assorted other heavy pickup trucks and rural carrier types that often use that road. WHEW! In fact within a couple minutes
the guy that delivers our propane pulled up in his truck to see if we needed help.

I have to say our Ford Escape did a great job of protecting us by absorbing the impact. Unfortunately, it was designed to do just that by crumpling up like a stomped upon pop can,

AND it only had 10,000 miles on it!!!

I have only been in fender benders a few times over the years But I was a passenger when we hit a horse.... 55 chevy cruising out on the fringes of the navy base... about nine in the evening. Went through a dip and cam up into the midstst of a herd of about five horses crossing the road. My boy friend couldnt stop in time so he aimed for a gap.... she hit the front end on my side then her head hit the window and bounced off the roof. They bolted so and we couldnt find the horse.

I still see it in like stop motion. but thankfully though banged up she was ok. We found her the next day locked back in her pasture with the others. Knees skinned a minor cut on her cheek... We couldnt find the owners.. No one would own up to them.

I was sixteen... Gosh that was 45 years ago.


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