Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)


Last time I rode was in 2002 or so.... I fall well last time I was thrown was about then too.

Baby girl forgot I was there did an EWWW and swapped ends. I stayed on for the first jump came off during the sunfish..... snort. Only thing I hurt was a muscle in my shoulder when i came to the end of the reins I wasnt quite on the ground yet. I may not remember the nuance of riding but my years being tossed off made me remember to keep my reins.

I would end up there next to you if I tried again my balance stinks now
I fell of the stool landing on my hind end trying to get my rubber boots on...
slid off nice as you please
That's great Coffee and all the glue you could want!
My stallion Blue would drink beer out of a can. It had to be Coors, though. He'd spit out all the others. He also liked apple soda. Miss him...he was a hoot.

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