Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Fleas never die off here. I used send the critters to the vets for worming and flea dip while I bug bombed the house. bug bombing has to be done around ten later to kill the larva before they pupate into fleas.

You have to get them in the dirt too--


beneficial nematodes will eat the larvae in the dirt--cuts a part of their life cycle. A lot of people miss this one.
the world has gotten smarter about fleas advantage made by Bayer is the safest and most effective on flea
or larvae and eggs for dogs and cats... Igr is a growth inhibitor in spray form for the house much more
effective than bombs anymore
Yep I didn't know about that when i was doing battle.... Surprisingly up at my house I haven't seen a flea... Knock on wood. Nematodes is a great idea.

I discovered insecticidal soap as well for interem battles. You have to be careful because it dries their coat out. but you can use it on the plants as well in dilution. Dissolves the waxy parts that seal up the shell. Not a cure all but in combo with other stuff a fortifier.

Yep I didn't know about that when i was doing battle.... Surprisingly up at my house I haven't seen a flea... Knock on wood. Nematodes is a great idea.

I discovered insecticidal soap as well for interem battles. You have to be careful because it dries their coat out. but you can use it on the plants as well in dilution. Dissolves the waxy parts that seal up the shell. Not a cure all but in combo with other stuff a fortifier.

An Aunt of mine could not get rid of fleas. She used the nematodes and they were gone after one treatment.

I have used nematodes to control army worms in the lawn too.
the world has gotten smarter about fleas advantage made by Bayer is the safest and most effective on flea
or larvae and eggs for dogs and cats... Igr is a growth inhibitor in spray form for the house much more
effective than bombs anymore

Yep...... I just read about IGR.... when I did a search to back up my original post.... Very interesting.

What I love about pyretherins is it origanlly was derived from Chrysanthemums.... though in the product its been synthesized.


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