Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Black bear found “interacting” with traffic!!!

more proof how crazy our weather has been. This guy is supposed to be asleep!!!

This was on Friday in the next county south.
Black bear found “interacting” with traffic!!!

more proof how crazy our weather has been. This guy is supposed to be asleep!!!

This was on Friday in the next county south.
Bears that go "urban" do not hibernate. It is a sad disruption of their natural cycle I suppose.
Bears that go "urban" do not hibernate. It is a sad disruption of their natural cycle I suppose.

I doubt you can call her area Urban....

The weather is nasty bad this year. I have 40-50 MPH winds now, frozen rain on the roads, I rode my 4 wheeler from pen to pen and held onto fences to walk. My garbage can has blown over 4 times today. It can stay blown over now. We had 38 degrees 3 days ago.

Today is just nasty, I am afraid all the pineapples and Coconuts are ruined for sure now. Bananas its hard to say, but not looking good. The rain soaked into the snow so I will not be able to move any of the ridges anymore. they are frozen where they will be until spring, unless we get a warming spell. I am in hibernation for the rest of the day.

coffee is done, Hot chocolate and Yukon Jack is coming up shortly...( wimp drink, but so good on these nasty days)...

And the worst part is after being generous with the eggs yesterday, the hens decided to be slackers again today. 4 eggs for a couple hundred birds does not pay the feed bill!
I doubt you can call her area Urban....

The weather is nasty bad this year. I have 40-50 MPH winds now, frozen rain on the roads, I rode my 4 wheeler from pen to pen and held onto fences to walk. My garbage can has blown over 4 times today. It can stay blown over now. We had 38 degrees 3 days ago.

Today is just nasty, I am afraid all the pineapples and Coconuts are ruined for sure now. Bananas its hard to say, but not looking good. The rain soaked into the snow so I will not be able to move any of the ridges anymore. they are frozen where they will be until spring, unless we get a warming spell. I am in hibernation for the rest of the day.

coffee is done, Hot chocolate and Yukon Jack is coming up shortly...( wimp drink, but so good on these nasty days)...

And the worst part is after being generous with the eggs yesterday, the hens decided to be slackers again today. 4 eggs for a couple hundred birds does not pay the feed bill!

The Urban part comes from them being fed or eating human food. Up at lake Tahoe, the Bears do not hibernate. It has to do with the abundant food source they have there. Is there a Dump or someplace where the bear gets food? That explains the lack of hibernation--not the weather.
The Urban part comes from them being fed or eating human food. Up at lake Tahoe, the Bears do not hibernate. It has to do with the abundant food source they have there. Is there a Dump or someplace where the bear gets food? That explains the lack of hibernation--not the weather.
The old timey local town open dumps have not been legal in Wisconsin for many years, mostly because of bears and our environmental/recycling laws are so strict it is nearly impossible to get permits to do anything.
Oh, and trust me, nobody intentionally feeds bears up here. Everyone knows that if you feed one cute "yogi" you will very soon have a dozen trying to rip your patio door out (true story, it's happened more than once). Besides, the fines if the "urban" or city folks get caught feeding, whether intentional or not, can get pretty nasty.

The bear, a young female, has been caught, taken to a wildlife rehab center, checked out and they are now looking for a place to "re-home" her. They think that something caused her to break hybernation because she was groggy and totally disoriented like we see a lot in the spring For some reason they stagger out into the road, park their bottoms on the line and stare at the cars going by.
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thought some of you might find it interesting what's been going on right now in the UK.

Andrew Hinkinson shared a link to the group: CHICKENS AS PETS.

4 hrs ·

Can't help but wonder why the tabloid press isn't all over the spread of H5N8 across the UK in under 10 days since transportation and congregation bans were introduced affecting domestic birds such as poultry, geese, ducks and turkeys.
Wild birds are spreading the disease, and of course wild birds are everywhere. Bird flu isn't airborne, so it's caught by contact with contaminated faeces, food and water, and birds touching birds. Symptoms in birds include swollen heads and blue necks, with breathing difficulties. Death is usually within a few days.
The concern and measures being taken relate to two things: one, the potential for hugely significant commercial losses, and two, the risk of the disease, which has over 90% mortality in birds, crossing over to humans. Complacency would be foolish.
The last major flu epidemic that began 98 years ago is thought to have wiped out around a fifth of the global human population. After it ended a strange sleeping sickness and paralysis occurred in many of those exposed to the virus, some years later.
It is vitally important that all poultry keepers adhere to the rules currently in place. Failure to do so can result in a fine of thousands of pounds, and even prison.
In closing, it's probably a good thing that the press isn't showing huge interest yet. We don't need panic or scaremongering, neither of which are useful and can be harmful. The risk to domestic birds can remain low as long as DEFRA instructions are followed.
The DEFRA website has all the information you need, clearly presented and easy to understand. The emphasis should be on calm, practical measures to minimise risk and spread. Look after yourselves and your birds.

Avian influenza (bird flu) - GOV.UK
How to spot avian influenza (bird flu), what to do if you suspect it, measures to prevent it, Prevention Zones declared on 6 December, and recent cases.

thought some of you might find it interesting what's been going on right now in the UK.

Andrew Hinkinson shared a link to the group: CHICKENS AS PETS.

4 hrs ·

Can't help but wonder why the tabloid press isn't all over the spread of H5N8 across the UK in under 10 days since transportation and congregation bans were introduced affecting domestic birds such as poultry, geese, ducks and turkeys.
Wild birds are spreading the disease, and of course wild birds are everywhere. Bird flu isn't airborne, so it's caught by contact with contaminated faeces, food and water, and birds touching birds. Symptoms in birds include swollen heads and blue necks, with breathing difficulties. Death is usually within a few days.
The concern and measures being taken relate to two things: one, the potential for hugely significant commercial losses, and two, the risk of the disease, which has over 90% mortality in birds, crossing over to humans. Complacency would be foolish.
The last major flu epidemic that began 98 years ago is thought to have wiped out around a fifth of the global human population. After it ended a strange sleeping sickness and paralysis occurred in many of those exposed to the virus, some years later.
It is vitally important that all poultry keepers adhere to the rules currently in place. Failure to do so can result in a fine of thousands of pounds, and even prison.
In closing, it's probably a good thing that the press isn't showing huge interest yet. We don't need panic or scaremongering, neither of which are useful and can be harmful. The risk to domestic birds can remain low as long as DEFRA instructions are followed.
The DEFRA website has all the information you need, clearly presented and easy to understand. The emphasis should be on calm, practical measures to minimise risk and spread. Look after yourselves and your birds.

Avian influenza (bird flu) - GOV.UK
How to spot avian influenza (bird flu), what to do if you suspect it, measures to prevent it, Prevention Zones declared on 6 December, and recent cases.

I just got some info from the State Poultry board on testing for AI and Something else. I opened the package but have not had time to look it over yet.

I did get my NPIP renewal for 2017 which is a miracle, I thought for sure they caught me copying someone else's test.....

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