Slightly confused....

Boiled Octopus

8 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Wiltshire, UK
Hello all,

I have a bit of a problem with one of my Dutch Bantams. I have 4 in all, plus one 'mongrel' bantam!

One decided not to join the rest of the girls in the coop a couple of nights ago. I searched everywhere until it was really dark and couldn't find her. Rather upset I retired to the house. Next morning, out she popped from some bushes clucking away and joined the rest of the clan.

When I went to put them all to bed again, she was nowhere to be seen again. I haven't seen her for the last couple of days now.

I live in the middle of nowhere and there are plenty of places she could hide, but wonder whether she may have been killed by now? :( Generally these bantams are pretty quick and have unlimited flight, but I just don't know. I don't have cockerels, but I have heard that sometimes chickens can go missing for weeks and then suddenly just turn up!

Any thoughts/suggestions?
She could be, but I have no idea where. She hasn't laid eggs before, and is about the time she would be doing so. Just seems odd she hasn't re-joined the rest of the girls. Unless she's dead of course...

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