slow cornish X meaties - really small

Mine aren't being affected by the cold. They're big fatties. I feed them twice a day, usually, once when I wake up, then later in the day if they've eaten all I gave them earlier. Mine are also tractored and moved often, but not daily. They are on grass, bugs, leaves, etc. They just switched from started to grower this past week, they're 6 weeks old. How many bags of feed have you guys gone through?
I have some Cornish X that are small for their age, but I have attributed this to the shorter day lengths. I also have been experimenting with limiting their feed. They free range, have a lot of green stuff available, they were being raised by a broodie up until this week, at which they were 6 weeks, they are between 1.5 & 2.5 lbs approximately. They run with the flock, so I don't know how much they are eating, but their crops are always full and they feel quite plump. Between them 9 CX & 14 hens, they eat 2 lbs of 20% starter, 1/4 lb flax seed, 1 lb of oats, 1 lb scratch, plus clover & grain forage that I'm growing. They are very active and will actually go out further than the hens to forage. I am doing this to see if they will taste different, and hopefully increase the omega-3 fats in the meat. I've raised them before, letting them free range, but providing more feed, and found that after a time they wouldn't want to forage much and when they were processed I thought they tasted very similar to the store bought, just fresher and a bit more texture. I am fortunate that I live in a mild climate so I don't think they are that affected by the weather, right now it's like spring in other parts of the country.
well, i guess that if we are going to allow them to eat green matter and stuff their crops with it (vs stuffing it with feed), we must accept a slower growth rate. i just hope that means they taste better.
I was given 45 CXers 8 weeks ago. I gave 17 to friends. They fed 20% broiler mash 24 hrs with heat lamps in an old corn crib w/shavings. I fed 19% Broiler mash only enough to eat during daylight, once a day. In a tractor moved daily. No lights. They lost 2, I lost one. I did have one bird that was 4 lbs.(runt).
Butchered them all yesterday. On average my birds were 1 lb. less then theirs. I was providing approx. 17-20 lbs of feed a day for the last week. Mine were 4 lb thru 8.5 lb. They had one that tipped'em @ 9.75 lb.

No real revelations here, just food for thought. They are what they eat!
Good luck to you.

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