Small easy DIY oyster shell feeder?


5 Years
Dec 1, 2014
Anyone know any way fool proof ideas to keep oyster shell? I made my chicken feeder with repurposed PVC pipe. I know how to do those things. but I mean just smaller I guess..? thanks in advance and have a great day!
32oz salsa jar held to HC with a reusable ziptie.
I do have to put some in there 1-2 times a week, but it keeps them from billing it out.

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I screwed down two margarine tubs to a chicken-level horizontal 2x4 in their (covered) run. One for oyster shell, another for grit. They sometimes bill out the oyster shell, but they do end up cleaning it up off the ground, especially when the container starts to get low. Just don't fill them up too full.
Hubs built this; grit on left, oyster shell on right


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