Smelly green and clear watery poop...


10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
Tweetie who has been acting strange (sitting up on roost, sort of moaning.....not really eating) has pooped some sort of strange poop lately. All I have seen her poop lately, is a small green turd, that was really smelly. Then, when i was massaging her crop, because i figued it could be impacted/sour crop, she pooped out totally clear liquid. Her crop, for the past two days has been a large, hard ball. Today, it was smaller, softer, and like more spread out. What do you think could be wrong with my Tweetie???

Tweetie---Silkie mix, medium sized, 6 months old, hasn't layed in two days......


and see if anything looks like a match.
Well, when in doubt I always go back to basic supportive care. I'd put her in a crate in the house so she doesn't use up valuable energy trying to keep warm. Give her some scrambled eggs and electrolytes in her water for an energy boost. I also give any sick chook a really good going over to check for parasites and/or any wounds that may be hidden under all the feathers. The crop does sound worrisome, I don't have any first hand experience with crop issues, but small pieces of bread soaked in olive oil seems to be the accepted first stage of treatment to try to get things moving.

ETA: If you're pretty sure it's the crop hold off on the eggs and just stick with the bread/olive oil for a day or so.
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