

12 Years
Jun 8, 2007
kemp texas
snake got my only baby peacock idont know how. i had a heavy top wiyh 1/4 inch wire mesh i have already killed 2
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Snakes can eat prey quite a bit larger than them. My snake is about as thick as my thumb and he can eat a large adult mouse, which is quite a bit thicker than my thumb! The hen might kill it, but I dont think she would be scared to death by it. Unless the snake tried to eat her too.

some information about snakes.

Before people go off killing snakes randomly, think about what you're thinking of doing. Snakes are more beneficial than they are harmful by keeping rodents away that carry disease and rodents are much more of a threat to anyones chickens than any snake.

Rarely does a snake go after a bird unless they are specifically designed to tackle one and there is only one egg eating snake in the world and it's small and lives in Africa.

So unless you actually see a snake coiled around a chick or with a bird half way down its throat, look elsewhere for the cause of missing chickens...

You'll find your culprit elsewhere.

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