SNOW.... and very bemused chickens!

My girls had their very first snow yesteday and they refused to have anything to do with it! They stayed in the covered part of their run at least as my wife explained, I went out to feed them this morning and found they refused to trek though the snow to the waterer, I gave them their fav treat (dog food!) and a couple braved in to the white stuff it but they were so funny as they walked in slow motion, picking up one foot and standing on the other and slowly putting the the other foot down!!

It was more apparent that they were thirsty as I had to "snow plow" a path to the waterer and then they rushed down the path to drink! Mind you, we only had about 1 or 2 inchs of snow!! By the time I left to go to work, they had all given up on the all the white stuff and gone back into the coop.
My NH girls don't like the snow AT ALL. They wait for me to "snowplow" a path for them with my boots, then run up to the line of pine trees where they can get away from the snow beneath.

The other day Bianca did a fairly graceful fly-over from the trees to the bee yard (she really doesn't like the snow). When she landed, she slipped on some ice. HOOHOOOHOO!! I still laugh when I remember it!

BTW, I am not using lights in the coop [do heat lights count?], and the girls are still laying daily. We are up to our ears in eggs!
Today is the first day I opened the coop to let out the ladies. This is their first winter and right now we have about 8" on the ground, in some areas over a foot (depending on drifts). They've been squawking to get outside and now that the coop is opened they aren't interested. I would have left them inside (we have 11 Reds) but one of them is getting pecked badly on the comb and it was quite bloody this morning when we collected eggs. She's staying in the box (almost out of protection since she has her head to the corner). I found her butt to be all coated in poop and I took her into the garage to clean her up and remove the mess.

I cleaned up the blood from her comb and talked to her calmly to reassure her. I put her back in the coop and she went right back to the nesting box. I'll be watching her throughout the day to make sure she isn't worse.
i hope it snows here this year . or rain lol. its dry here.gona have to get somebody to do a rain dance. then a snow dance lol.

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